User talk:AducAndibah

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Hello113:14, 14 August 2008

Hi Nathan I am Liuaki Fusitu'a from Tonga. I work at the Tonga Institute of Education. It is the only teacher training institute in the kingdom. My field of teaching is History and Education.

We are currently being workshopped on how to use wikieducator and am finding it very interesting and see the immense potential, use and value it has and will have for creating this community to share knowledge, experience and expertise.

I see that you are an ICS trained educator and I'm sure that you have found this site very helpful and in particular with the work that your institution is currently undertaking in externalising your courses.

I hope that I will be able to contribute to this community soon and perhaps I'll spot you there also.

Have fun at your workshop.


Lfusitu'a (talk)12:56, 14 August 2008

Hi Liuaki, thanks for this message. Yes, it has been exciting in the last two days of workshop, this is the final day, and this opportunity is opening avenues for WikiEducator to bridge the didgital divide which exists within and between many Pacific Island nations through the Education system. Collaboaration in content development for the sole purpose of sharing knowldege, skills and experience is going to new heights. The biggest barrier is Internet connection.

Have fun.



AducAndibah (talk)13:14, 14 August 2008