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Contact-new.svg zakayo maseki
Employer:IITA Agriprenuers
Occupation:communication Officer
Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania
Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania

my area of interest

I have a huge interest in agriculture and 'entrepreneurship'. i have a advance diploma in computer studies and i am currently pursuing post graduate studied in project management. The involvement of agriculture through IITA youth agriprenuer where i involve myself with some of the agriculture project over the cause of two years by now. i believe there is a huge potential if the youth can explore the opportunity that agriculture has presented itself with and be able to tackle the issue of unemployment.

agriculture entrepreneurship for the youth


as the number of youth who are unemployed continue to rise the level of poverty is also approaching at huge level, so the only way to tackle this is to keep the youth very much involved in the agriculture value chain so as they can become producers of some major food crops and also be able participate in the value addition. So as IITA agriprenuer we have focused on major food crops which are as mentioned below

  1. maize
  2. Cassava
  3. Soya
  4. Vegetables
  5. weed management
  • maize

as one of the major cereals which the are grown in Tanzania, it has the major influence in changing the lives of the youth if they become actively involved in production and value adding. as the youth agriprenuer we have focused on cultivating the maize in the large scale and storing so as to obtain the better marketing price during selling. so this is named as the maize enterprise.

  • Cassava

in cassava there is a huge potential to be explored as cassava can come up with a number of products which can be sold to meet various needs this can include cassava flour, cassava processed starch and cassava seed. these are some opportunities which have to be captured and utilized.

  • soya

value adding to the soy and making products like soy milk and yoghourt which are highly nutritional can help to fight malnutrition among children and adults, so there is still a major opportunity for the youth if they can tap that sector more effectively.

about the group

The picture of the group when it started