Chapter 1: Introduction to Moodle (LMS)
- Intro to Moodle
- Hardware & software requirements (wamp, mysql requirements)
- Introduction to WAMP
- Installing moodle
- Moodle admin panel
- Adding Courses with Category
- Writing Course Content
- Inserting Audio / Video Files
- Creating Custom Quiz/Questionnaire in MOODLE
- Securing moodle files
- Integrating external plug-in
Chapter 2: Audacity
- Introduction
- Considering Recording Conditions
- Recording audio
- Managing audio via Audacity
- Trimming audio
- Merging audio clips
- Exporting audio
- Considering File Size
Chapter 3: Windows live movie maker
- Recording video
- Creating video through images
- Adding Sound / Music
- Adding Text
- Exporting your movie
'Chapter 4: 'Youtube
- Introduction to You Tube
- Classroom account creation,
- Video Uploading process
- Commenting on Videos
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Unit 5.4 - Developing e-Conten
Authoring Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit, student shall be able to: