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Chapter 1: e-Learning Content Analysis & Design

Chapter 2: 
Instructional Design Methodology  

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Chapter 2.1 - Introduction to ID Selection Method

Instructional Design Models

Models for instructional design provide procedural frameworks for the systematic production of instruction. They incorporate fundamental elements of the instructional design process including analysis of the intended audience or determining goals and objectives.

The New ADDTIE model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional Designers and training developers. The five phases-Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Evaluation represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools.. We are going to follow ADDTIE model.

(Ref: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology- March to April issue)

ADDIE model is a generic model which used a systematic approach to the instructional design process and serves as the foundation for most Instructional System Design (ISD) models in use today. ADDIE approaches in designing instruction is similar to that of software engineering approach. ADDIE is acronym of five phases in the model namely; Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate. Other model other models include the Dick & Carey and the Kemp ISD models.

One commonly accepted improvement to this model is the use of rapid prototyping. These ideas of receiving continual or formative feed back while instructional material are being created. This model attempts to save time and money by catching problems, while they are still easy to fix. For example, the New ADDTIE model was used in the framework for helping create new research topics in learning technology.

ISD provides a road map to guide designers and instructors through analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation to the goal. The ISD road map provides a route to many different destinations depending on the turns one chooses to take. At its most basic level, instructional design focuses on three fundamental concerns: identifying the goals; selecting the strategy; and, evaluating success.

Most models subscribe to one or more learning theories which shape the models. Instructional design models have the ambition to provide a link between learning theories and the practice of building instructional systems. The development of contents for e-Learning can well benefit from the ISD approach. However, there is need to revisit the traditional ISD in order to incorporate the Learning Object (LO) paradigm.


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OER - Post Graduate Diploma in eLearning
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====== Design By: Yogesh Munjal
