Alain Rabeau FacProDemo
From WikiEducator
- Have your OWN Mouse and OWN computer - so you are aware of the settings, keyboard layout, setup, browser preferences, etc.
- LL: Have User Open up FacPro in a Separate Window, NOT a TAB.
- LL: copy User ID and Password in writing, so that
you have it handy and can share instructions for the learners / participants
Julia's Comments
- Breakfast - have them come in early to set up, and then Eat Breakfast
- already gone in on their own time, log in, introduce themselves (pre-work - you have to do it, or else you cannot come
- Can't do that on with paid client
- Get on the phone - I want to know that they have already come to the meeting once before they come to the online meeting
- welcome them at the Introduction sign in - easier with 15 people; harder with 30 people
- with more people, I manage by 'exception' - are you NOT on....
- MUTE off?
- as much as I can do beforehand, is really important
- Logins are
- case sensitive
- inculde the words: "User-Login ID" (i.e., include "User-"
- If I have the PCs - they will all be logged on; I will set up all of their logins
- If they are bringing in their own laptops, I will set up a flipchart
- 300 people - flips, and Paper at front
- Plus people in bright t-shirt, technical support
- facilitator working the front of the room - processing the convesation in the room
- Person at the computer - only taking directions from the Facilitator (i.e., refresh the screen / list of possibilities)
- LL: 30+ people, consider extra support
- LL: Think about the discussion - not about the technology, vs. checking with the groups
- LL: Slow down - because there is NO Undo (re: categorising)
- LL: if you find something that is an "O", you create something "101" - we have this new idea... you need to give it a number....(I tend to do it something completely out of scale for a new idea - to flag it... it starts out at "O" - until you reassign it...
- Plus people in bright t-shirt, technical support
- you might do several refreshes... to move the process forward.... you've got to judge the pace of it, so that people can continue the momentum
- other times, i might have duplicates, but I don't care about them....but the voting of check 3 won't work if I don't remove the duplicates...
- high low scale, others, etc.
- rating (instead of assigning points) - so I can skip this whole exercise of combining...
- Pause: does anyone have a new idea, while we have been talking...?
- LL: Keep Advanced Editing Option Screen OFF
- Adjust Facilitator Settings - unclick Advanced Edit session (p. 63)
- Use the Pencil to Edit - but you do NOT need the Advanced Editing
- F has to press the Tabulate button - even as stragglers come in...
- be aware that F does NOT Vote (click "cancel" on the participant screen
- also, walk the participants along - this is coming... you will see the results shortly...
- F - changes the settings in F-Options
- Note that the 'comments' may still be 'on' - light bulbs... any surprises, disappointments, comments offered...
- first crack at the results -
- Settings: Have the Light bulb available - it's an opportunity to enable us to have a more in-depth conversation - ... let's to start to add some comments around these (1st and 2nd round)
Multiple Rounds of Voting
- Click to main screen in top right hand corner - wherever you are (as soon as they do that, they will get the latest agenda)
- for 2nd round, you could create the link, but make it inactive
- 2nd round - Topic Mode (display mode) - in this case, Vote - All Users (same vote we've already got....) - handing out the ones we already have....(redistributing the ballots)
- Ask: Does anyone want to change their votes... before going to additional rounds
- LL: Try to Avoid changing the numbers; use categories again: Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3.
- LL2: alain will copy from one Flipchart to a new Flipchart, for Round 2 of voting
- if you need to capture them as they go - you need to make copies... (archive of all of the votes)
- copy - 2nd flipchart, then vote on the 2nd flipchart (otherwise only confirm latest vote)
- Mode: Facilitators View Results - Very good for Surveys (you can keep it open for a long time - dragged out voting - or 300 people in the room and they're all voting... this is a good Vote Mode for a long time... otherwise, Vote, then Sneak Peak to Results + Tabulate Data, and then See Graph...
- Project on Screen - attention back on F - bringing the screen back - people look at the front to see their results - does allow them to change results
- Tabulate Data - tabulates data - for ballots
- Refreh List (irrelevant)
- You can add another topic number
- has a custom voting profile (set ahead of time)
- save and enter -then list of items with multiple criteria (2nd round of it)
- 5 criteria - people describe this criteria
(each criteria - can be set up ahead of time (very subjective)
- other times, fact-based (sometimes people don't really know)
2nd Round of Voting
- Think Tank Process (annually)
- President of National Society - ID top priorities, to drive a business plan
- to est. business plan prioriities for the coming year... (no categorising at this point) - eliminate duplicates after the brainstorm, then go to a vote.
- President of National Society - ID top priorities, to drive a business plan
Brainstorming Process
(using Facilitation Pro)
- ask a question to initiate the brainstorming
- then comment and build, and add a comment (open the comment period - click on the light bulb...
- Close the Comment Build period;
- ...then go through the list and get clarification
- Clarifying with Question marks?
- are there any of these, that are closely aligned - identical twins?
- talk about ideas, and THEN Look for Duplicates
- Disney Example: read topics on a screen; are there any questions about this - take the time to think about what's there....this is an opportunity for people to think about this.... we're going to look for questions and clarification, and then we're going to vote.... As we go through....make notes of the numbers - look for your favourites - so they kept track all the way through...
- First pass with voting (You can post it as a Question - click on the Pencil to Edit the Topic Settings - what are the proposed priorities for the 2010 Business Plan?)
- LL: (curly brackets) let's folks see Your Comments in Red... system wide control
- LL: square brackets are hyperlinked...
- LL: if you are giving everyone colours, then you might not use: RED
Sort Order, Options
(: In Options, you can select "Numbers")
Starting Sort Order* * category first
- newest first
- sorted by number really useful
for discussion, you may want to change the Sort Order - say Category ID (adjust participant setting); you may also want to adjust your Facilitator Setting...
- Options Setting: Categories, ID, asscending
- for whole topic limit to 3 - there's a setting:
- Check Box, Column Max = 3 (as in pick 3 themes)
- LL: as a Facilitator, I test it, and then make sure it looks good.
- LL: then go to the Participant View, and go over it... (I want you now to click on the refresh list button - from YOUR FLIPCHART SCREEN - the Facilitator is the LAST Person to do it.... it's the person who is behind.... I want to help the slowest person, not the fastest person... (in my mind, I want to be the slowest person, so I can identify where the last person is at)
- just send them a link - just do it.... (just to get their ideas) - so as NOT to focus on the technology
- then they will say, just use it again