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Wiki Training

The training started on Tuesday, 25th of June, at 8.30am EAT at the KINU Innovation Space. The participants had previously little or no in-depth knowledge on the use of wikis for social interaction. The presenter provided the participants with hands-on training on how to create a wiki account, how to edit, save and format the content, and how to interact with another Wiki user. Participants also learned something rather interesting - how to manipulate another Wiki user's text, and how that Wiki user could restore the changes that another user had make to his/her content!

Topics covered

A summary of what was learned is shown below:
Social networking
  1. Creating a Wiki account
  2. Adding, saving and editing content
  3. Creating headings and sub-headings
  4. Creating bulleted lists
  5. Creating numbered lists
  6. Bold and Italics formatting
  7. Creating kinks to internal resources
  8. Creating links to external resources
  9. Adding descriptions to links
  10. Searching for copyleft images
  11. Uploading images and formatting them
  12. Inserting and manipulating tables
  13. Modifying another Wiki user's page
  14. Undoing changes made by another user to your Wiki content
  15. Starting discussions

Participants' Reaction

Everyone found the tutorials and videos really exciting and useful, but a few of them found it difficult to keep up with the presenter. This is understandable when you are learning how to use a program or feature for the first time! All in all, we are really very grateful to the trainers for organizing this splendid workshop, as after the training, we will definitely apply our newly acquired skills in our workplaces or daily activities. KINU keep up the good work in helping participants be much more efficient and productive!

External links

Official KINU Website