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Wolf Hilzensauer works as a researcher and project manager at the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft in the field of technology enhanced learning. His focus is in ICT supported innovative educational processes, and multimedia, with a primary focus on vocational training in SMEs and eLearning frameworks in higher education.

At the centre of his interests the so called "Social Software" concept of design, namely Weblogs, Wikis and ePortfolios, which he is applying in the design of didactical concepts for innovative learning environments and develops concepts for competence-based learning processes with the support of ICT-tools.

Wolf Hilzensauer studied at the Pedagogical Academy in Salzburg (Volksschullehrer und Informatiklehrer). He also studied at the Academy of Social Work (Diplomsozialarbeiter) and attended the "Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum".

He is project manager of the European project: MOSEP - more self esteem with my ePortfolio. Here at WikiEducator he is trying to implement the module development phase. The focus is to collaboratively develop Training Material for a train-the-trainer course. More infos at the Project Website or here: MOSEP @ WikiEducator