User:Web2 social media participant2013/Web 2.0 for Developmnet

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Web 2.0 for Development is an amazing collaborative tool for community information sharing and development. Without information sharing we have a retarded economic growth but with Web 2.0 for Development, information dissemination is quick and hence a sense of ownership and participatory approach to community/organizational growth. I for one has greatly benefited from it.

Before I thought, as an I.T. navy, I knew the best but after going through this workshop i found out I knew the least.

Definition.Participatory Web 2.0 for development in short Web2forDev is a way of employing web services, in order to improve information sharing and collaborative production of content in the context of development work. In this context actors in development can easily relate to other stakeholders, have selective access to information, produce and publish their own content and redistribute pieces of content released by others. They can integrate, combine, aggregate, generate, moderate and mediate content. In a typical Web2forDev scenario data and/or functionalities from a number of free/low cost online applications are combined and served as mashups thus ensuring a wide range of online services at low cost. History

Primary Education

Entry level of education.

Secondary Education

Middle level of education

Tertiary Education

advanced level of education


entry requirements are a minimum of an Advanced level attainment


advanced level attainment


  • oranges
  • apples
    • furgie
    • green
    • red apples
      • ripe
  • bananas
  • mangoes
  • naartjies

Warriors Team

  1. goalkeepers# ##George Chigova##