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My nam I am a School Librarian with NALIS

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= I am a School Librarian with[http://www.n I am a professional librarian at a school

Roles and responsibilities

Workshops Attended

Wiki Project

  1. Visit school libraries
  2. Visit bookstores
  3. Attend staff meetings
  4. Catalogue books
  5. Classify books
  6. Supervise staff
  7. Teach library andliteracy skills
  8. Circulate library materials
  9. Shelve books
  1. Lesson Planning
  2. Work Planning
  3. Wikieducator Workshop
Literacy Workshop
Education Workshop

  1. Supervise Staff
    • O.J.T.
    • Library Asst.


Kowledge is power
Wiki Caribbean Ambassadors

Wiki Cheat Sheet revised