User:Vtaylor/B&GC notes

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  • what do kids want to learn, need for school
  • interests > games, webquest

Fall 2013

try these


Tutor time

  • make as big an impact as possible with time and resources available - seasonal, volunteers, 2 x 1 hr / week
  • materials - boards, pens, books, math games ? storage, replacement, addition, use
  • homework - kids on track, company, help with explanations
  • "free time" - no homework - educational, productive use of time ? self-directed
  • needs help with... - quick, confidential, track kids so tutors can suggest things to work on ? coordinate with teachers / edmodo
  • what do kids want / need - how can we help them?

Digital literacies

NETS teachers, students, wikispaces

checklist, certificate

  • Make it - Creativity and Innovation - drawing, painting, pictures, podcast, video, animation, photo, write
  • Share it - Communication and Collaboration - blog, wikispaces, edmodo, writing, group projects - gallery, display. diigo - personal learning, what's interesting, follow path, publish, work together
  • Find it - Research and Information Fluency - webquest, research projects, scavenger hunt, browse, search
  • Solve it - Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making - Quizlet - find, make flashcards, crosswords
  • Use it - Technology Operations and Concepts - what's happening - computer, network, server. scratch - programming - video lessons - 1. sprite, - write, edit, copy, paste, save, transfer

Learn more...

try this

  • kids > science, engineering

  • Play me a story? - Playfic, the online community that lets you write, remix, share, and play interactive text-based games with the world. If then... logic
  • city tours - history, things to see and do - museums, theaters, historic sites, why would I want to go here. Fl - Miami, St Augustine, Tallahassee, St Petersberg. US - Washington, New York, San Fransisco, New Orleans. Paris, Rome

  • suggestions - deliverables To demonstrate overall knowledge and integration of the material studied in class and from the texts, students are to do one of the following and demonstrate/report results to their classmates

2013 notes, done that...

wikimedia cat, flickr - cat, WE images

  • 2013.01.28-29 - tarheelreader - reading mlk books, coolmath, brainpop, homework - type words, find pictures * tarheel writing - needs cookies? kidblog - cats example text
  • 2013.01.24 *,, * - required flash


  • webquest type projects - animal - search, information, pictures, drawing, publish - browser, search, text editor, document, save, copy, paste, images,
  • brady - cat project - example
  • kid filter - messes up many site displays - wordpress ? prevents copying pictures ? wikispaces
  • notepad for text edit ? pictures
  • edmodo seems to work ok
  • need usb drive - take


  • 3 5th grade boys, need lots of math help, fooling around, math games they selected didn't have much math. ixl 5th grade too difficult - didn't even recognize skills in list, played pre-k shapes. math - competition with easy addition.
  • mts - 3 computers manageable, not 3 boys. prep - more activities
  • digital literacies checklist
  • have advanced kids help find good stuff for other kids
  • can 2 kids work together on 1 computer?


  • webquests - kids create ? blog post/ wikispaces page for topic they select - introduction, questions, 3 subtopics/ paragraphs, 3 facts about each subtopic, conclusion/ summary/ importance, pictures, media, links / learn more...


  • Digital literacies * Make it - Creativity and Innovation * Share it - Communication and Collaboration * Find it - Research and Information Fluency * Solve it - Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making * Protect it - Digital Citizenship * Use it - Technology Operations and Concepts
  • Edmodo group
  • 21st century grant - curriculum, laptops ?

Interesting and important

  • how stuff works, engineering
  • art & design - museums, art gallery
  • travel - city tours


  • math practice
  • vocabulary
  • science
  • coordinate with k-5 STEM
  • reading, writing, stories
  • art, drawing, painting
  • school presentations, reports - .ppt, .doc
  • quizlet - practice, create their own
  • school technology - learn, practice at b&gc - word processing, spreadsheet, powerpoint, search, ??
  • permissions, accounts
  • updates - post to edmodo public page, library - documents
  • don't have to teach to test

7 skills - educate for innovation, evidence of independent learning, critical thinking

  1. critical thinking and problem solving - continual improvement
  2. collaboration across a network, leading by influence
  3. agility, adaptability
  4. initiative, entrepreneurial
  5. effective oral, written communication - thinking, analysis, clear articulate, persuasive
  6. access, analysis information
  7. curiosity, imagination


  • Kim, 3 6th graders - laptops for homework, practice, educational games, Edmodo group hub, library for forms, notices, record scores, polls, questionnaires, Kim invited to join group, public page