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Driving forces of technology

Who is driving the use of technology around this issue? Many people and organizations “big thoughts of today's big thinkers examining the confluence of accelerating revolutions that are shaping our future world these people create the story on new technological and social realities they are the pioneers actively working in these arenas.” -President, WA. Macdonald Associates Inc., Toronto

“Culture -- the way in which a people or a group responds to circumstances -- is seen as the driving force of the 21st century. In a New World of unprecedented change, with tremendous opportunities and grave risks, culture is said to be the principal mechanism that will determine the success or failure of nations, societies, institutions, and individuals. It is culture that must help us reconcile the two worlds in which we live: the world of reality, with its pain and sorrows, and the world of the imagination, with its hope and promise.”

Culture, technology, and the internet encourages cooperation amongst students across all borders.

“Springer Link the 21st Century has entered the door”

“Globalization as the driving forces – In the 21st Century we will face dramatic changes, economic, Social, and technological fields, with globalization as the driving force. This will bring along challenges and threats as well as evolutional and revolution. Individually along with collectively; as we are caught in the middle of all these changes.”

“Globalization is pushing more students to enroll in universities in other countries, more universities are beginning to focus their curriculum's towards international concerns, and more universities are looking for private funding to supplement traditional funding avenues.” Globalization brings about and encourages cooperation amongst students who want to make a difference on a global level. This will become even more so as we travel into the future. Communication and cooperation for students will be easier with an online internet connection that holds no boundaries or boarders.

Review of Lawrence Lessig’s; the future of ideas; By Lucas Hendrich

“The fertile ground of the Internet has led to countless innovations, eliminating physical barriers and allowing a borderless, transparent source of information to flourish. How will the story of the Internet be played out in the 21st Century?” By two forces--the strong hand of the state and the invisible hand of the market. He attributes innovations born over the wires of the Internet, as well as the birth of the Internet itself, to its public, common nature. Roads are the metaphor he employs to illustrate the benefit of shared, unowned spaces: the vehicles that use them are owned and must meet state-imposed regulations, but the road itself only enhances the value of other materials--vehicles or property--which use it.”

-Lawrence Lessig

The internet is helping and will hopefully continue to help and encourage cooperation amongst students; Opening up a whole knew landscape of ideas and understanding for the youth of our future.

Resources: - the Future of Ideas driving force. - Culture: the driving force of the 21st century. - Globalization as the driving force. - Globalization and students.

Beneficial Who/Who:

Who benefits and how? People who live in countries that allow free thinking and as long as we do not keep technology only for the people who have money from those who do not! We need to make sure that no one is left out! Everyone needs to have the ability to choose and the opportunity to become connected we need to help “encourage cooperation amongst students” This is a global issue that somehow needs to be addressed. One way this can come about is threw the ever growing technical advances that continue to evolve come are way. The benefit will most likely start out for the wealthy; We can hope for a better tomorrow were we are only as strong as the poorest amongst us! For they will be the ones hurt in the long run. If we are all uniting and working together think of what could be accomplished.

“Learning in the Age of Knowledge: by Raymond Kurzwiel. An overview of how education is changing with technology, written for "The Futurecast," a monthly column in the Library Journal.”

“Knowledge is power and permits the wise to conquer without bloodshed and to accomplish deeds surpassing all others. --Sun Tzu (Chou Dynasty philosopher and military strategist), The Art of War, fourth century B.C.”

“Computer technology can provide students with power over the process of learning. Technology can broaden the dynamic between challenge and skill. Technology can provide students with early experiences of success. Technology draws students' attention. Technology can be a medium for enhanced human communication. Technology requires students to be actively rather than passively engaged.”

All of the categories above list how technology can help with encouraging cooperation amongst students! Opening the doorway on a global level! Every one can benefit. The message below applies to every student around the world. We need to make sure that the basic computer skills are acquired for everyone on a global level, insuring that everyone benefits.

“Science Direct”

“As we rapidly advance into the age of new technological innovation, students must acquire basic computer skills, such as using electronic mail (e-mail) and the internet/World Wide Web (WWW). These skills are necessary for students to be adequately prepared to function as high quality professionals of the future.”

Resources: – Beneficial - Students