User:User:Vtaylor/Technology plan/Review 2016

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Technology Plan - May 2016 Review

original Technology Plan - Dec 2012 - see below

Applied technology

  • School - focus on academic excellence - A school, 5 Star community engagement, national recognition, availability of technology - somewhat mixed - available, not used, use limited, testing requirements disruption, technical support personnel and process, school-wide licenses to support differentiation / remediation
  • Teachers - range - personal interests, availability of technology, training as a prereq, device controls
  • Students - range of skills, interests, technology engaging, supports project-based learning, differentiation
  • Evidence - amazing student work, significant improvements in student achievement, support for kids with STEM interests


  • school - web site, email news, phone
    • minimal use of web site, iPhone app, Facebook * paper newsletters only
  • teachers - web, email, phone
    • grade level teachers share, school wide ? minimal
  • students - personal, class, public. written, oral, visual
    • wide variation by class, grade, teacher
  • evidence - good communications between community, parents, students, and school, all communications handled promptly and effectively, archived and retrievable as appropriate
    • communication is good, not using technology to any great extent, reply on phone, some email for document distribution, celebrate success, achievements


  • school - facilitate media formats, curriculum aligned
    •  ? textbooks, digital resources
  • teachers class subscriptions, purchase, access
    • individual grants, some school-purchased subscriptions - achieve300, Waterford
  • students - BYO, personal preference, self-directed
    • BYO restricted, little use, eBooks not offered, , personal learning resources - curation ? student dashboard ? self-directed
  • evidence - cost effective purchases of curriculum resources. adequate training for utilization. enough devices / technology available to access content available
    •  ? professional development ? labs and carts utilization ? access to online resources blocked, iPad app installation

capture, compute

  • school - school-wide themes, resources, activities
    • aviation, spirit, school-wide apps
  • teachers - training, mentoring
    • minimal, personal interest, grades, lesson planning ? classroom management tools
  • students - project based learning. differentiated assignments
    • considerable use, minimal technology, blocked sites, teach/assess learning literacies being implemented ? portfolios, showcase
  • evidence - engaged learners. application of knowledge to problems, challenges. track progress. adjust difficulty, schedule intervention as necessary.
    • great school spirit, significant gains academically


  • school - community participation. enlist volunteers
    • great community participation, minimal technology
  • teachers - PLC (professional learning community)
    • varies, personal interests
  • students - class activities, Learning labs, clubs, school service
    • individual work, stations, some group projects, lots of non-technology collaboration
  • evidence - opportunity to work individually, in groups of various sizes. groups by interest. encourage leadership. use technology to monitor and provide support, resources
    • depends on teachers, individual work in labs, media center, ? classrooms


  • school - infrastructure, direction.
    • technology planning, device evaluation, improved support, better responsiveness, proactive
  • teachers - common core, curriculum, standards
    • some informal, expanding, formal/informal training,
  • students - introduction, instruction, feedback
    • introduction of new resources, activities, broader range of activities
  • evidence - comfortable choosing and using appropriate technology for tasks
    • improving, more inclusive, delegation as appropriate, peer-to-peer