User:Unirivercity/Links and References

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Links and References

Barnum, C. M., & Carliner, S. (Eds.). (1993). Techniques for technical communicators. Needham

Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Belfiore, M. E., & Burnaby, B. (Eds.). (1995). Teaching English in the workplace. Toronto: Pippin Publishing Limited; OISE Press, Inc.
Burton, S. (2007). You may already be a technical communicator! Retrieved February 7,

2009, from

Microsoft Corporation Editorial Style Board. (2004).Microsoft manual of style for technical publications

(3rd ed.). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.

The essential reference for technical writers, editors, journalists, and everyone else who writes about computer technology. . . captures the up-to-date standards and best practices for delivering clear and consistent technical communications. (Microsoft, 2009)
OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue. (1995-2009). APA formatting and style guide. Retrieved February 7,

2009, from

Plonsky, M. (1996-2007). Psychology with style: A hypertext writing guide (for the 5th edition

of the APA Manual)(with checklist). Retrieved February 7, 2009, from

Society for Technical Communicators. (n.d.). The value of technical communication. Retrieved

February 7, 2009,from

The University of Chicago. (2003). The Chicago manual of style (15th ed.). Chicago, London:

The University of Chicago Press.