User:Undurthy/My Sandbox for Patricia/template:Teacher Preparation/Science Process Skills
From WikiEducator
The present project aims to develop a scheme to assess process skills, which, in turn, can be used in the training of teachers. Process skills can be assessed only when children are given an opportunity to exhibit them. The essential aspects to be provided, as a stimulus to make children exhibit their process skills can be objects or materials to investigate or to use, problems to solve, or evidence to examine and discuss.
Our main concern is to prepare activities and materials that would help children to manifest their process skills into reality. Of course, all activities may not give an opportunity for all the process skills to be assessed. In practice a teacher has to look across several activities to assess the full range.
The following points, about what teachers can do to assess process skills, should be kept in mind while designing a scheme for assessment:
An attempt is made in this project, to prepare a scheme to assess following process skills.