User:Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute

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Since Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute(TMTI) was founded in 1978, the institute has established an excellent reputation for the Tuvalu National Employment towards youung men who are interested to be seaferes and mainly to those who need financial support for their families.

Tuvalu became fully independent in 1978 and in 1979 signed a treaty of annual uptake of young Tuvaluan men to the Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute.

About 900-1,000 Tuvaluan men are trained, certified and active as seafarers. The Asian Development Bank estimates that, at any one time, about 15 percent of the adult male population works abroad as seafarers. Remittances from seafarers (estimated at U.S. $1.5-3 million per annum) are a major source of income for families in the country, and there is a steady annual uptake of young Tuvaluan men to the Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute.

Many of TMTI graduates are the bread winners of most of the familes in Tuvalu.Not only that the institute aslo provide courses for seaferers who need to upgrade their certificate in different courses. The link below might give you more details Upgrade programmes at TMTI