About Tumisfu Samwel
I was born in 4th April,graduated from Sokoine universty of Agriculture,profesionaly am Agricultural Resaerch officer at the Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperation division ofg Research and Development ("Inforamation and Dorcumentation Unit").
Profesional interests
Inforamtion and dorcumentation unit
Dissemination of agricultural improved technologies, organizing and maintaining key data on soil and farming systems in digital formats and make it available for planning for agricultural productivity and food security and sustainability in Tanzania,strengthening library services and communication 16 DRD research stations and headquarter,*Displaying agricultural research information products on crops and improved technologies, dissemination of appropriate technologies to end users ,giving the basic skills to scientists on scientific writing and its allied principles,*Communicate with Agricultural stakeholders and Development partners on thre success and challenges facing the department on rejuvenation of agriculture sector, Pointing out the duties of DRD on Agricultural development in Tanzania.