User:Trinimich2000/Parenting Programme/Anger Management

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Participants will be able to:
  1. Recognise and list five (5) different signs of anger in themselves and also their children.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to help children express their anger appropriately.
  3. Discuss what is meant by anger.
  4. Identify the sources and signs of anger.
  5. Discuss and practice Anger Managing Techniques to minimize and help prevent the negative effects of anger in themselves.

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Fruit Salad
This is an icebreaker that will energise the group.
Time:15-20 Minutes for 15 to 20 persons
Stand in the middle of the sitting circle. Everyone but you needs to have an established place to sit.
  1. Ask participants top choose three different fruit names,go around the circle, naming each participant with one of these fruits.
  2. Go around the whole circle until everyone includind yourself has one of the three fruit namss.
  3. Call out one of the fruit names.
  4. Everyone with that name has to jump up and find somewhere else to sit.
  5. You are also going to find a place to sit.
  6. The person who doesn't find a new place will be left in the middle and will have to call out the next fruiot.
  7. Add that if someone calls out "Fruit Salad" then everyone has to jump up and find another place to sit.
    This is an opportunity to get to know one another and have fun.

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Key points

ANGER: It's part of being human.Anger is a normal emotion-and a very powerful one. Anger is the nervous system's response to an event or situation - whether it's real or imagined. Nobody can 'make' you angry.
The Five (5)Stages of Anger.

  1. Something triggers anger.
  2. The body gears up.
  3. Anger reaches the crisis level.
  4. Body and Emotions cool down.
  5. Thinking it over begins.

Anger and Aggression
What's the difference? Anger is a feeling.It results from stress or feeling hurt,frustrated,disappointed or threatened. Aggression is a behaviour. Bieng aggressive is something you do. Anger does not automatically lead to aggression. The most important thing to know is that
Problems related to Anger.

  1. Health Problems including Digestive Problems, Headaches, High Blood Pressure, Sleep problems
  2. Stress
  3. Troubled Relationships
  4. Low Self- Esteem
  5. Problems at work or school
    Confusing Anger

Anger can be easly confuse anger with other emotions.
These include:
Annoyance ,Disappointment,Fear,Frustration,Resentment,Stress
Ways to Manage Anger

  1. Take a time out
  2. Be assertive
  3. Get comfortable with "I" statements
  4. Communication
  5. Practice positive self-talk
  6. Chill Out