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Contact-new.svg Tim klapdor
Blog:Innovation & Design
Employer:Charles Sturt University
Occupation:Innovation technology Officer
Other roles:Project Lead, Visual & Interactive Design, User Experience
Skype address:tim.klapdor
Twitter logo.png Follow tweets from this user via @timklapdor.

My profile

I’m Tim Klapdor and I'm an Innovation Technology Officer at Charles Sturt University based in Wagga Wagga, Australia. My role within the university is working at the nexus of innovation, technology and education - trying to identify, apply and translate technological innovations into opportunities for CSU to improve the learning and teaching experience. I have a background in graphic design, multimedia and web design and have a passion for exploring new technologies and the opportunities they bring.

My interests

I'm interested in:

  • Open Praxis
  • Digital Publishing
  • Educational Technology
  • Photography

My Website, blog and contact particulars

I blog at, put slides on slideshare and photos on flickr.

You can find me on easily on Twitter & Google Plus