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Second article review

Woo, M.,Chu, S.,Ho, S., & Li,X.(2011)Using a Wiki to Scaffold Primary-School Students’ Collaborative Writing, Educational Technology & Society

Using technology in the cclassrrom could result very positive to encorage collaborative writing, especially in L2 writing to students from primary school. The advantages of using technology for writing collaborative work depend on teacher and students instruction. The term affordance was introduced as an element in this process. Norman (1998)describes affordances of a tool as both the perceived and actual properties of a tool that determine how it can be used by the user(as cited in Woo, M.,Chu, S.,Ho, S., & Li,X.,2011, p.44). In this study the affordance is given by the wiki. In some other studies the use of a wiki showed that for students it results easy, simply, and also it helps them to share information with the team members of a group. In addition,students work in their own pace. To carry out this investigation authors addressed the following questions how does the use of wikis help scaffold L2 writers during collaborative writing in an upper-primary English-language classroom? three sub-questions helped to guide data collection: (1) What are the perceived benefits and challenges for students and teachers using wikis for a collaborative writing? (2) what are the key affordances in the use of wikis that help scaffold students in collaborating actively during the co-construction of their writing assignments? (3) how might a wiki’s tracking system help teachers scaffold students in their editing? the challenges and potential benefits of a wiki for students and teachers in a primary-five L2 classroom.

A combination of methods are used, qualitative and quantitative, using as subject of study a focused group of primary-five students and their English teacher. The participants were 38 students around ten to eleven years old and their English teacher from a Chinese school. To collect the information were needed some questionnaires for students and the English teacher, a semi- structured interview for the teacher, a focused group discussion and students’ editing information recorded in the wiki system. The students’ questionnaires consisted in opened and closed questions, while the teacher´s questionnaire only contained opened- ended questions. The intervention program applied consisted in applying a wiki into their English - Language curricula, the classes were planned for face-to-face learning situations in the classroom or the computer laboratory and for online learning outside their normal classroom. The results of the study were that students from primary-five enjoy working with wikis and that using them; they work better in a group work, they improved their writing, and teacher and students perceived that the collaborative work is better giving feedback among them. Finally, for the teacher it resulted a good way for scaffolding the students.

The case studied in this investigation is useful for many areas of study, because it can help teachers giving them ideas related with collaborative work. On the other hand, students from different levels and areas can help them to engage collaboratively in creative problem solving and peer critiquing(Roe, M.,2011, pag33)said, ”In addition to participating in the classroom, students are challenged to go home, log in and take a position on the issue at hand (thus promoting expository writing). The wiki can be utilized by student to create much more effective cooperative learning projects”.

This reseach is can be used for future investigations because the collaborative work is usuful in all areas related to education. The information included in this reseach helps other teachers to know how to implement a wiki to work with children. Also it gives more details about the differents ways to measure and improve students´writing. to know the diffrent affordances help teachers to scaffold students in a better way. Finally, teachers that want to implement a wiki in their classes can take into account the results of this research to their own ones.


Roe, M.(2011)Learning tools for innovation.Leadership,40,32-38.

Woo, M., Chu, S., Ho, A., & Li, X. (2011). Using a Wiki to Scaffold Primary-School Students' Collaborative Writing. Educational Technology & Society, 14 (1), 43–54.

First article review

Erdogan, M & Kurson, E. Tan, Gulcin & Saltan, F(2010) A qualitative study on classroom management and classroom discipline problems, reasons, and solutions, Educational Sciences; Theory & practice.

This article contains an investigation about the classroom management and discipline problems faced in a technology classroom. The purpose of this research is to study the causes and find some possible solutions for students´ misbehavior during the technology classes. Some causes of the disciplinary problems in students are the incorrect use of the technology in the classroom using cell phones, video, and sounds records as a game and not as tool to learn. Another cause mentioned is the lack of teachers’ preparation in classroom management. To do this investigation the authors addressed the following questions: Review when to use a semicolon and a colon. what are the classroom management problems that Information Technology Teachers Review when to capitalize. faced?, what are the possible solutions suggested by teachers, administrators, and parents for these classroom management and discipline problems?, and what are the underlying reasons of these classroom management and discipline problems? with these questions the authors want to find the solutions of the students´ discipline problems.

The authors made a qualitative research Continue this first sentence that leads directly into the participants, instruments, and procedure.Type your note here.; it was because they worked with small groups which helped them to obtain clearer information Bold text is not clear..The interviews were applied to Start this paragraph by discussing the participants, then the instruments, and conclude with the procedure.17 parents whose children took an information technology course, 14 information technology teachers, and 14 principals and vice principals of differents schools. In the results section of this research, teachers pointed out that student’s lack of motivation, breaking rules, and routines was normal because it was a problem related with the schedule of the subject; however, (Altun & Ates, 2008; Deryakulu & Olkun, 2006; Seferoglu, 2007) What are you citing?  See APA. “ students´ motivation can be increased through the use of various instructional methods and techniques What methods and techniques did they mention?. Also teachers said that the classrooms were big and there were a lot of students in it; nevertheless, it could be helpful for teachers because in this way students could interact each others in a productive way. In addition, teachers expressed that the software was not enough that purchasing software program in the computer lab could be the solution if this problem. Parents and some principals said that teachers were not enough prepared to control the groups that they need to look for more strategies for classroom management.

This article contains information that can help other researchers because the problem is common in all schools that involve educational purposes. The causes and solutions mentioned in this article are similar to the ones that were mentioned in the theory part. However, the article didn´t mention that a good preparation something does not enough to control the students´ misbehavior. According to Emmer & Stough,  Comma goes after the citation. (2001) “reciprocally, highly effective instruction reduces, but not eliminate, classroom behavior problems”.State is this Emmer & Stough (2001) is different or the same as the article you are reviewing.

This research is important to teachers´ future investigations that involve discipline problems in the classrooms. The information that is included in the article is useful because although this investigation was made in other field of study (in a computer classroom), it can help in other educational fields .The problem is similar when students are learning a second language, specially children because they used to talk out of time and to distract themselves when they are using technology tools. In addition, EFL language teachers can take into consideration the causes and solutions that are stated in this reaseach to solve discipline problems and improve students´english skills.

References (References are not according to APA.)

Erdogan, M., & Kurson, E., Gulcin & Saltan, F. (2010) A qualitative study on classroom management and classroom discipline problems, reasons, and solutions, Educational Sciences; Theory & Practice retrieved from

J, Daniel & M, Regina ( 2007)Effective Classroom Management: Teacher preparation and professional develpment retrieved from topics/effectiveClassroomManagement.pdf

See examples of references for proper APA formatting and make the appropriate changes.



case of study Woo, M., Chu, S., Ho, A., & Li, X. (2011). Using a Wiki to Scaffold Primary-School Students' Collaborative Writing. Educational Technology & Society, 14 (1), 43–54

Literature paper

Dyrli, K. (2009). Colaborative technologies. District Administrations, 24

Action research

Huang, D. and Nakazawa, K. (2010). An empirical analysis on how learners interact in wiki in a graduate level online course. Interactive learning environment,18, 233-244

Field Study

Lazda, R. (2010)A course wiki: challenges in facilitating and assessing student-generated learning content for the humanities. The journal of general education, 59, 193-22

Research Paper

Bastida, R.,McGrath, I.and Maude, P.(2010).Wiki use in mental health practice: recognizing potencial use of collaborative technology. International journal of mental health nursing, 19,142-148