User:Sujata7000/Technology Based Learning

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By : Dr. Sujata Pattanaik Sr. Teacher Educator, TE & SCERT BHUBANESWAR

       National Curriculum Frame Work-2005 presents a changed perception of learner, learning process, learning strategies, curriculum, teacher and evaluation.NCF-2005 has strongly recommended for substantial improvement in Quality Elementary Education. 
        However, spectacular changes made during the last five to eight years. Quality improvement raises many issues like curriculum renewal, text book improvement and innovative teaching techniques in teaching methods, effective teacher education and provision of infrastructural facilities in the schools.
        The major Quality initiatives under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) has covered up community support and participation, teacher and teacher preparation, curriculum and teaching learning strategies, class room practices and processes, learners assessment, monitoring and supervision etc.
         In order to transact any curriculum one should read to learn about the learners, their age, their previous training or education, the things they already know, were interested in and important to them, knowledge, attitude, skill, the children bring to the class.
        As, SSA is a community based programme, the role of community has been considered quite central  in the entire efforts of  Universalisation of Elementary Education. It is essential that community should participate in school effectiveness programme. In the context of school improvement plan, school library and curriculum has deeply associated in promoting achievement level of children. 
         Library is an essential component of the school at all levels. Both teachers and children need to be motivated and trained to use the library as resource for learning, pleasure, and concentration. The school library should be conceptualized as an intellectual space where teachers, children and members of the community can expect to find the means to deepen their knowledge and imagination. In order to make more successful and effective teaching learning programmes, some times we use different strategies for the beginners as they are the founders. Mobile library is a innovation which-

• Make the children as self reliant library user. • Create a system of searching books and other supplementary materials in library. • Plan a good set up of books at block and cluster level. • Find out maximum use of library by the children in relation to their curriculum. • Involve the community as stake holders in management of school. Train the teachers in library management and use. • Develop self-reading habits of children. • Monitor and evaluate the achievement level of the children. • Create powerful field in Quality Elementary Education.

Why Mobile library?

              It is an essential need of each child to read study materials during school and beyond school hours. As there is not sufficient time during school time, children could use libraries during off time or at leisure time beyond the school hours. This type of library can only be made possible by different stake holders, community, parents, NGOs, youth volunteers and members of mother teacher association etc.            
             Now Community is very much involved in school management and academic achievement of children. Generally, teachers are overloaded with their regular activities. As library is one of the essential components in quality education, both the teachers and children for betterment of teaching learning process should seriously use it. If library is managed by the community more time can be afforded by each member of the community and ultimately feeling of ownership will be developed. Mobile Library can be developed by community as well as managed by the community. It is mostly community based because :

• There is regular use of library, • Children take responsibilities of arrangement of books • Can be opened during vacation, holidays and off time also • Curriculum will be closure to the community • Community takes interest of their own children towards reading • It is a source of entertainment at rural pockets • Community derives feelings of ownership and full user of the library • Sharing of ideas by the children, community and teachers • Collection of varieties of books • Library books can be brought to the class room • Children could able to choose the books according to their needs • Children could be more independent and increase their reading habits • Competition for using different books by the children • Children could refer books for project work and experiments • Whole world may come to classroom It is a National challenge --- “Community based libraries ensure Quality Elementary Education in new dimensions.”

          The quality dimensions for elementary education have broadly been identified as basic infrastructure and other facilities, school and classroom environment, teacher and teacher preparation, curriculum and teaching learning materials, teaching learning time, class room practices and process, management and community support, learner’s evaluation, monitoring and supervision.
           Curriculum is a resource  for teachers that deals with three basic factors mainly the learners educational goals and children should learn to achieve their goals ( competencies and indicators ), to help the children what they need to learn (instructional plan, learning activities). The curriculum at Elementary level is quite flexible and dynamic in nature with its multifarious application of techniques and methods. 
            Many more innovative strategies are being implemented regularly for curriculum transaction and good class room practices in quality education package. National Curriculum Frame work 2005 stressed out the importance of school library which is an essential component at all levels. There is a strong relationship between school Library and curriculum. Library reading enhances achievement levels of children. 

As community is very much involved in school effectiveness programme, use of library is the new technique to be added in this programme as one of the strategies in quality dimensions. The major quality initiatives under Serva Siksha Abhiyan have covered up community support and participation. Same as also deals with community based school library for curriculum transaction in quality elementary education.

. • Find out the intensive use of school libraries by the children as well as by teacher. • Emphasize the involvement of the community in school libraries as and when required. • Find out how much the community managed school library. • Establish the relationship of library with curriculum. • Develop the collection abilities of the beneficiaries in varieties of library materials. NCF 2005 has strongly recommended for substantial improvement in quality elementary education. In this context it is therefore decided to library improves the achievement level of children, empower teachers and more involvement of community for enhancement of quality education

There is a positive impact towards community awareness, involvement, enhance achievement levels of children. It is a National challenge --- “Community based libraries ensure Quality Elementary Education in new dimension.”

• Develop the collection abilities of the beneficiaries in varieties of library materials

                 NCF 2005 has strongly recommended for substantial improvement in quality elementary education. In this context it is therefore decided to undertake this study on the theme--- Use of community based school library improves the achievement level of children, empowers teachers and more involvement of community for enhancement of quality education.  
       Community is very much involved in school management and academic achievement of children. Generally teachers are over loaded with their regular activities. As library is one of the essential components in quality education, it should be seriously used by both the teachers and children for betterment of teaching learning process. If library is managed by the community more time can be afforded by each member of the community and ultimately feeling of ownership will be developed.

Diagram I. Community based library with its potentialities

                            The involvement of community could bring a great change in quality dimension. There initiate one community ownership. 

Who will make Mobile Library? Three Dimensional Approach of Mobile Library

      Quality improvement through Mobile Library brings dynamic approaches in teaching learning process. Teaching is not only through Text-books, many more resources may be used like Man, Material and Mode.  

Man Material Mode Community Textbooks Story telling Parent Supplementary Oral reading Members of books sharing Community Story books Discussion NGOs work books Leisure time reading Informal Institution Additional read. Books During vacation time Library and its books Related contents with Mobile library facilities Curriculum Collection of content material through open learning system Keeping responsibilities to community & children MTA members to handle

Diagram 2. Three- Dimensional Approaches

         Above diagram emphasizes 3 major dimensions which are Man, Material and Mode. More care should be taken up during use of libraries. Responsibilities are to be carried out by the community.
         Community should very much thorough about the library management and ultimately get involved with the curriculums designed for the children and transact them openly.
          Regular procedures towards library activities like book keeping, cataloguing, collecting and distributing properly could be followed by the community. Proper records could also be maintained for individual child and their progress towards reading, which ultimately enhance quality initiative. Besides the whole community, parents and teachers will be the members of the library. They could share their views and ideas of different books.

Conclusion: • Children could use library themselves whenever they need. • Community could fully involve in this work.. • Library reading is highly motivational and significant. • Impact of 3-dimensional approaches is quite effective for this strategy • Community based library is a prerequisite in quality education • More and more books could be collected for children in different school subjects and others to bring the community to school. • MTA members could able to share more times during their leisure by which children will be attracted. • Meaningful library books could be supplied to school. • Teacher community should develop a good rapport for school library. • Creative ideas could be collected from the community. • Children should more particular towards the number and authors of different books. • Regular use of library. • Carefulness for keeping books systematically and alphabetically. Lastly, more use of community based libraries brings dynamic approaches to teaching learning situation and ultimately enhance quality dimension.

Sources : National Curriculum Framework -2005