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Hi, Im stephanie Baca. I am a college student at De Anza. Im currently taking CIS2 as an online class.

Contact-new.svg Stephanie Baca
Employer:Part time working, full time student
Languages:Enlglish and Spanish

My midtern topic was on having access to fresh water. I believe that all people deserve access to clean water because it is necessary for human survival. Access to clean water supplies should be more easily attainable. The availability of this vital resource is key to ensure individuals with a healthy lifestyle regarding proper hygiene/sanitation, nutrition, and hydration. Based on these beliefs, if water was more accessible to people who need it most then the country’s economy could gain a huge boost due to growth in the agricultural sector. Admission to clean water will also decrease the number of deaths and illnesses due to lack of hygiene and sanitary water.

Final Project:


  • When searching the name “Stephanie Baca” Ive come to realize only 59 people in the United States has my name according to “”. But there is 642,4021 people with the name “Stephanie” , which I believe is really crazy because when I was young I always thought my name was special because it was so long and when I got to middle school, I realized there was many more “Stephanies” out there. Something interesting i learned was that “Stephanie’ is the 82nd most popular first name. Some people with the same name as myself have pursued their lives to do good in the world for example Stephanie baca a Research Coordinator at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Finance Manager in UC Davis, Casting Assistant/Associate, Associate Producer, Talent Coordinator. One last thing I found really intriguing was when I google my name and look at the images,I see my picture.

  • Doodling can actually help you concentrate.  Doodling can also help you be more creative which is very important when in a business that need innovative ideas. “Doodling also brings out positive emotions which can be very helpful in today's fast paced stressful world.”

  • “18 Chances You Will Not Regret Taking in Life” by Marc Chernoff because reading this article has inspired me to actually take the opportunities I have in life. I am not this type of person to just let go and find changes which I should be because I am still young and I am more flexible now then to say as for my mom who is not. I stay in my comfort zone and definitely do not like change. Another thing why college has been a bit difficult because I am not use to changing the way i've been doing things for the past four years. Just the way this article is worded and so inspiring, I had to read it twice and just soak in all the words. Reading this article reminds me of my mom always telling me to take opportunities, to find ways to do things , to be creative, sign up for scholarships. She always says “ you can do anything you want, you just have to go out there and take the opportunity.” Its like a sign that I should listen to my mother. I definitely will have to start trying to take all these ways into effect.

Privacy and Freedom of Speech:

  • The reasons I found this article to be very interesting is because it talks about how as much as people want to have privacy and feel like it's going away with all the technology , hacking and security breaches no one really notices till it goes away. For example, when applying for any kind of card in a store to get that little coupon, buying things online, giving away personal information. No one thinks about identity theft happening to them at the time but it is always a possibility.

  • Technology might be everywhere in the world but what about privacy. Smartphones capture everything about you and people will try to find that information out, its useful to try to send viruses to your phone. This article explains the multiple reasons to what is trying to access all your information, data, and everything you do on the web. I found this article very useful and answered a lot of questions towards what is the web or who sees it all. Not everyone knows people are always trying to hack  your information.

  • Don't know how to protect your computer from whatever is out there. Here is an article to help you figure that out. Virus are even in the things you download be aware. After reading this article it made me delete files ive never used or dont know whats inside on my computer.

Intellectual Property:

  • It shows you how to make your own copyrights. The second article just explains what copyrights are exactly and the history to them and what they do for you. It also explains what happens if you go against the copyrights and try to take ideas that are not yours.

  • Technology is advancing and it is helping the medical field. I think advancing technology is good when it is put to good use. This is something i've only seen on tv shows “grey's anatomy” to be exact but it's pretty awesome to see it's really happening in the real world.


  • When people go onto the internet they make themselves exposed to the web. There is a variety of crimes that happen on the internet and it's a lot harder to keep them from spreading but of course that's hard to control. These are just some of the crimes that go on, on the web.

  • Computers are a major accomplice for crimes. Everyday our society is affected by the web and our personal information. There are major classes of criminal activity, such as unauthorized usage of computers, creating worms, spam and viruses and even cyber stalking online. Back in time when computers first were invented computer crimes such as, using printers, scanners for forgery or counterfeiting. Making fake websites are also a crime. Virus, worm, trojan horse, logic bomb and hoax are all varieties of crimes that will harm your computer. (recommended)

  • The FBI gives good points to avoiding internet fraud, credit card fraud and other types of fraud. People should take a look at these helpful hints to avoid fraud. I find this website useful. You could be committing fraud without even knowing it.

Employment, Education and Entertainment: (Recommended)

  • Is technology taking away jobs or providing, after taking a look at this article, it sort of jumps in between both ideas. This article provides facts about how back in the days people use to hand wash their clothes and now they don't have to because there is an increasing number of automatic laundry machines. Doesn't this decrease workers to work and what are they supposed to do after. They have no experience in anything else and would have to have education to find a good paying job. Technology does increase the demand for workers but it also does decrease it because once those jobs are taken away what are people suppose to do, or older people that have no other work experience or no education. Technology doesn't always benefit people to have better jobs. (Recommended)

  • In Australia they have created a robot that can build a house in two days. Not only do you learn about the robot and how it works, you also learn about how technology is advancing in different parts of the world and we have yet to realize. It also describes how it doesn't need to take break likes human construction workers do and can build houses way faster than an average worker. This article shows a good explain of technology taking away jobs from the people because this robot is only in australia but will advertised within the year and will soon be known all around the world and start to take away jobs from the construction workers. There goes a big hit in unemployment rate.

MidTerm :

Providing access to clean water all around the world is a challenging thing to do because it cost a lot of money. People having / are still trying to do so today. (Recommended)

  • I found this article very interesting because it gives examples as to how many people in the world have cell phones and access to technology and this technology is helping by keeping track of water supplies, tracking water, supply mapping, and smart hand pumps. These are being tested in third world countries and slowly developing. This article particularly focuses on this app trying to monitor smart hand pumps to help when there is an outage of water or mechanics. Monitoring the water supplies by using an app and sending people to help with needed. (recommended)

  • This is a video that explains the new form of technology used to try to capture fog water from the ocean and by collecting fog in plastic mesh and making the little water drops at the bottom of this plastic mesh. Not only collecting fog water but also rain water. This idea is being used in South America. (Recommended)

  • “The Institute for Molecular Engineering’s Collaborative Water Research Initiative is investigating all aspects of water use, including novel purification methods, efficient use in agriculture, and optimal power usage in water treatment and distribution. IME is also developing innovative partnerships locally and globally—with universities, corporations, and government agencies—all with one goal: to transform new ideas into new tools that directly address problems of global importance. IME's novel approach brings together world-class scientists and engineers to advance the fundamental scientific understanding about water and water usage, as well as to accelerate the pace of new technology development for unmet market needs. From clean water and energy storage to disease detection and treatment and next-generation technologies, IME aims to accelerate the pace of scientific progress and make its solutions rapidly available “quoted by the university of chicago. I decided to copy this paragraph because i think it does a good summary and explanation as to what these engineers are trying to do to help this problem.

Evaluating and controlling Technology:

  • I think this article gives good examples as to how knowledge sharing on the internet can help a work environment by providing information to the workers without misunderstanding things and not knowing anything by thinking they don't have  access to the questions they have. This article gives only one example of what knowledge sharing is.

  • The internet is a big example of knowledge sharing. The internet is a network where everyone from all around the world can post things about anything for other people to read. Someone somewhere else is probably about to google something right now and it's what other people post. Some networks that are a popular knowledge sharing example are instagram, snapchat,texting, voice snapcatting, skype , google, facebook, wikipedia etc. All examples as to how information/ knowledge is shared. This article talks about multiple things that are not so much useful but then it goes on to exampling why knowledge sharing is important and what motivating about it.

Risk, Failures, and Responsibilities: (selected media)

  • This article talks about APA ( American Psychological Association) doing a case study on families with new computers and how internet affects lives in a good way and bad. This study was done in 2000 so imagine if they did this study today. Internet is suppose to be more useful and efficient to people and has spread so much that it fails to help kids go out more, not be in front of a screen all the time. Grandparents didn't use technology as children or as much as we do. Now we use it for everything because it is convenient to do so. You’ll see children with ipads playing games instead of interacting with other children their age. Technology and internet is advancing but no one realizes the consequences to having internet all the time, for everything.

Anytime, Anywhere:

  • Smartphones are the trending thing now and how you use them can be very compelling to use them for everything. Everyone puts their information, shops, text,emails etc. on smart phones. Here are some ways to keep your sensitive information locked on your phone. Always be aware of the things you're doing on your smartphones because there could be fake stuff with people trying to hack your phone.

  • There are sites that allow you to make your own web. Showing you how to search the web with a smartphone.

Technology Advances, Social Trends: (Selected media)

  • In this article, the authors come together to discuss the many advancements the future holds for the human population. Some of these advancements are the decrease of poverty and the ability to improve technology in less developed places of the worlds and this will help improve child mortality rate, in health and treatments to cure/ put into remission in  deadly diseases, advancing in artificial body parts/organs. Improving vaccines could have us live healthier and longer, preservation of the brain allowing us to live virtually. I found this article very interesting towards showing us what we have accomplished and what is bound to happen in the future because of technology, the more opportunities technology gives us to change the world. It's helping us advance for the future. (Recommended)

  • Technology is already advancing so quickly right now, everyone must wonder how will technology advance in the future. Whether it's a good thing or bad it will still be a mystery. I picked this topic because I agree with the answers to the survey as to internet and technology will be more of a necessity like needing electricity. The internet will work faster and more convenient for you instead of having to go out. They also explain the things that most likely won't change out in the world which is : violence, bullying, dirty tricks, porography, stalking, governement hacks, and vareity of crimes.

  • One person trying to take advantage of the technology we have to help the world and help society from falling apart. This video answers a lot of questions towards how it helps the world, how technology be used other than using it for social media. The video is a little on the long side but worth the watch.