My Sandbox
Course Material on "Qualitative Research" for beginners in Educational Research.
The instructional material is meant to address masters students in Education or practicing Educators. The focus is on presenting some useful insights into conducting studies broadly following an "ethnographic approach". Illustrative material in the form of vignettes and sample field notes, both in textual form and video documentation of actual interviews with informants are to be woven into the material. Exemplar material drawn largely from studies conducted in Asia and Africa are to be built into the material. Appended to the instructional material will be research reports based on a sample of small research projects conducted by a group of students studying a course on "Descriptive Research" as a part of M.Phil. program in Education at the Central Institute of Education, University of Delhi.
How do we share? through individual user portals or we all combined and paste on your page?
Could do either. The reports could well be within individual user portals with hyper links.