I am Victoria MFUM-DENTEH,anursing tutor at the CHNTS-Winneba.I come from Kete-Krachi in the Volta Region of Ghana.I attended Krachi Secondary School and completed in 1977,comleted Nurses Training College in 1981,Midwifery Training School, Public.
Description-Measles is a highly inffectous disease which commonly affects children. Causative organism-It is caused by a virus called Morbilli rubeola. Incubation Period-1-14days. Distribution-It has a worldwide distribution,but incidence has declined in N. America and Europe. Susceptibility-Children aged between 1-3years are mostly affected.Adults may rarely be affected. Mode of transmission- a.Direct droplets through coughing, talking or spitting by infected persons. b.Indirect infection through freshly soiled articles from secretions of infected persons'throat or nose. Signs and Symptoms
My profile
Singaravelu, Lecturer, Vinayaka Missions University, Puducherry - 605 007. M.Sc.(Mat), M.Sc.(Psy), M.Ed., M.Phil.
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Undergoing researches Watching TV Chatting with Friends
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Civil Engineer, specialisation Hydrogeology. Associate Professor at the University of Mauritius.
My interests
I'm interested in:
- OERs and engineering
- Networking with educators to share educational resources
My Website, blog and contact particulars
I am from the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Mauritius For more information about University of Mauritius
My profile
Civil Engineer, specialisation Hydrogeology. Associate Professor at the University of Mauritius.
My interests
I'm interested in:
- OERs and engineering
- Networking with educators to share educational resources
My Website, blog and contact particulars
I am from the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Mauritius For more information about University of Mauritius