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Contact-new.svg Oni Olusegun Opeyemi
Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria

Issues of credit risk in the Nigerian Banks

It will interest you that there are problems of non-performing loans in the Nigerian banks for so many years even though the regulatory authority had made so many efforts in the past to fix the situation.

open source

non-performing loans

Classification of Account

There are three types of accounts namely: Personal Account, Norminal Account and Real Account.

Personal Account

Personal account is the account of persons such as Olu, Ade, James Etc. Norminal accounts has the rule of debit debtors and credit creditors.

Norminal Account

Norminal Account has to do with the items found in the income statement. items like income and expenses. Examples of income are the sales and dividend while expenses are depreciation, rent and carriage outward. The account rule says debit expenses and credit income.

Real Account

These are accounts of assets and liabilities. Examples are Motor vehicle, Building, Cash, Investment in treasury bill and debtors while Liabilities are creditors, loans and overdraft. The rule states that debt assets and credit liabilities.
