From WikiEducator
/SANDBOX I 'm Sandya Hewameealla Lecturer probationary attached to the Department of Legal Studies the Open University of Sri Lanka
[1]My research interests are area of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and International Law.My hobbies are reading news papers , watching television and playing with my kids.
my profile
Open University of Sri Lanka File:Pictures library
==Target Group== LL.B
==Course== Environmental Law
==Course objectives== principle of Sustainable Development
After studying this session you will be able to
1) Define the principle of Sustainable Development. 2) Analyze Applicability of the principle of sustainable development in international level and Domestic level. 3) Evaluate the Indian case laws and Sri Lankan case laws which applied the principle of sustainable development. 4) Compare the principle of Sustainable Development with other Environmental Law concepts such as the Precautionary Principle and Polluter Pays Principle.