User:Sadhna gupta/Corporate Laws
From WikiEducator
=Internal Assignment= 100 Marks
Attempt the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- "A company is having a seperate legal entity than its members". Comment
- Can a Private company be converted into a Public company?
- Lifting the veil of corporation is an exception to the rule of seperate legal entity.Explain
- Alteration in Articles of Association is subject to certain limitations. What are those limitations?
- What is the procedure for the alteration in the Object clause of Memorandum of Association?
- What are the remedies available to a misled investor on the grounds of misleading prospectus?
- Explain the statutory provisions regarding valid allotment of shares.
- Differentiate between the transfer of shares and transmission of shares.
- Can Directors be appointed by Board of Directors.
- Explain the provisions of the Companies Act regarding holding an Annual General Meeting.