Asrani Rakesh gopaul
Age 34
Background:Hold a Bachelor and Master in Social science- (Bsc Social work MSc Social development),Currently enrol as astudent of Master In Research (MRES) at the University of Mauritius)
I join University of Mauritius as astudent in social work Area of expertise and interest: Feminisation of Poverty, Coorporate Social Responsibility, Good Governance,Poverty alleviation, Women in the informal sector, Culture and development ,sustainable development
Currently lives in Mauritius.
Past work experience: Mauritius Council of Social Service, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Arts and Culture, Independent Comission against corruption), Lectures at University of Mauritius in Sociology and Social work
Research : Ageing Population, Feminisation of poverty, cultural industry in Mauritius
i started my career working as a rehabilitaion trainee officer at the Dr Idrice Goomanee Drug rehabilitation centre, i then move on to take a job as youth Officer at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, I Joined the Mauritius Council of Social Service as Assistant Secretary/ project Development officer, I have also worked as a Street Children Social worker, from the Ministry of Youth and sports i moved on to The Indepent Commission Against Corruption as a Corruption prevention and education officer. I now work at the Ministry of Arts and Culture as a Senior Events Management Officer. I have worked as tutor and lecture part time at the University of Mauritius since 2001.