User:Rabankwah/UNAM sandbox 1
From WikiEducator
[hide]University of Nambia
The Internet is an explosion of good and bad information. Nonetheless, it has created a lot of knowledge and it has
== E
ducation in Namibia
- bridged the gap between the North and South. It has enriched the poor, it has saved lives, it has educated many.The list is endless. As developments continue, one wonders where the technology will land the world. No matter the destination, I want to to join the band wagon!!!If you are left behind,
you perish for lack of information.
/Tertiary education\
Gone are the days when we used to queue in long bank lines to cash cheques or make an inquiry. The ATMS and internet banking have solved the problem. Issues of security linger on. I feel safer to sign and issue a cheque.