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How dinosaurs became extinct 

My favourite image at the moment!

PYeo's Profile

I have been a teacher at Diocesan School for Girls for a number of years.  I started off as a typing teacher and it was a huge learning curve when the school introduced computers and I became teacher in charge of Information Management (now IT) instead of Typing. A lot has changed since electronic typewriters.  The students now bring their own laptops to school.  Last year I introduced 3D Modelling and Animation to a very small group of year 12 and 13 students using Blender.  I became interested in this area when I was fortunate enough to spend a few months with Flux Animation after being awarded a NZ Science Mathematics and Technology Teacher Fellowship for 2007.  I teach three levels:

  • Year 10 Digital Technologies (2D animation and web design)
  • Year 11 Digital Technologies (2D animation/gaming and web design
  • Year 13 3D Animation (3D modelling and animation)

My Interests

I enjoy the following:

  1. Reading
  2. Walking
  3. Going to the movies
  4. Playing computer games

Computer Games

My Sandbox

My sandbox



Handy websites on fonts and colour.

My Booklist

My booklist

My Images

Images from abroad