User:Philbartle/My sandbox

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This is where I play. Come play with me in my sandbox
Contact-new.svg My box of sand
My "Box" of Sand

Quick Links

My Profile
Featured L4C Participant

Playing in the Sand


If your keyboard can not make these characters, please feel welcome to copy any of these, and paste into your own document.--Phil Bartle 18:01, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

А Б В Г Д E Ë Ж З И Й К Л М Н O П Р C Т У Ф X Ц Ч Ш Щ Э Ю Я а б в г д e ë ж з и й к л м н o п р c т у ф x ц ч ш щ э ю я

♪ ♫ ☺ ☻ ♀ ♂ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ▬ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ● ◊ ◙ ← ↑ → ↓ ↕ ↨ ∆ ۩ © ۝ ۞ – 【 】《 》『 』「 」〔 〕︽ ︾ ︴※ * ↖ ↗ ↙ ↘ ∫ ∮ ∵ ∴ ¥ 〒 £ ℃ ℉ § ⊿ ⊕ ± √ ≦ ≧ ≠ ∞ ≒ ≡

and you can colour them as you wish

☻ ♥ ♫

Welcome to Newcomers

Edit This Template

Very nice to meet you here. WikiEducator is a very warm and comfortable community. () . If there is any way I can help you, please let me know (coloured backgrounds, margins, user pages in multiple languages). Come visit my user page. Also, just to remind you, I put up a new page on which you can practice collaborating, by using your editorial skills included in the tutorial. See: Alternative Teaching methods and add your comments, criticisms, more methods, or reflections. Just try it. Cheers, Phil. --Phil Bartle 10:44, 15 December 2009 (UTC)

Very nice to meet you in the class. WikiEducator is a very warm and comfortable community. () . If there is any way I can help you, please let me know (coloured backgrounds, margins, user groups in multiple languages). Come visit my user page. Also, just to remind you, I put up a new page on which you can practice collaborating, by using your editorial skills included in this tutorial. See: Alternative Teaching methods and add your comments, criticisms, more methods, or reflections. Just try it. Cheers, Phil. --Phil Bartle 10:44, 15 December 2009 (UTC)

Tutorial Participants

Participants in the tutorials:

Testing New Links and Procedures

Feedback icon

Making podcasts

Developing a teaching resource

Creating a template

Information icon.svg My sandbox
See: History

Description How to stimulate and guide

a group to assess
its own situation

Subject Community Empowerment
Topic Participatory Appraisal
Type Training
Audience Community mobilisers,

managers and trainers

Sector Social
Level Secondary
Complexity Intermediate
Learning hours 1 hour
Creator Phil Bartle
License: CC by SA

Draft Composition

Rant in Preparation

I am now thinking about my next rants. I do not put these out on a regular basis because, when I have to write to a deadline, the writing becomes forced and quality suffers. I prefer to write when the muse possesses me. --Phil Bartle ◊ –

. . . <in process> . . .

Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

The following are not yet ready. I develop them here before putting them up on my user page.

. . . <in process> . . .

Earlier Rants

The following have now been transferred to the latest rants on my user pages Phil's rants or on to the archives.

  • Retired Contributors
  • Is WikiEucator a Community?
  • Controversies
  • Alternatives to Orthodox Classroom Methods
  • Education versus Socialization
  • Ageism, Sexism, Racism
  • Methods of Learning are Not the Same as Methods of Teaching
  • Language Learning; a Lesson about Learning
  • Functional Literacy → Functional Anything
  • Alms, Altruism and Ability
  • Agricultural Revolution, Culture and Open Education
  • Epistemology
  • Education and Empowerment
  • Teachers and Taught
  • Are We Making Educational Institutions Obsolete?

Abandoned topic:

  • Learning by listening, by looking or by doing. At first it looks like a debate about learning methods. Some are saying everybody is different, there is no "one size fits all," and we have to determine what methods best suits each learner. Others are saying that one or another is best: listening to a lecture, watching a video or presentation, interacting or dialoguing between teacher and student, vs doing something to learn how to do it.
♦ I am going to abandon this topic as a rant. The more I think about it, the more it looks like a thesis length and the more it looks like some serious research is needed.--Phil Bartle 10:16, 30 August 2009 (UTC)

Earlier Compositions

Discussion about NFE

Non Formal Education (NFE) page was drafted here. and is now shifted to its own page See: NFE Online Conference You are encouraged to join in the planning for this discussion--Philbartle 23:26, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Leaving Usable Records

A new training document for sustaining the mobilization intervention was drafted here, It is now uploaded to the CE (Community Empowerment) site See: Leaving Usable Records. Thanks for those who collaborated.

New Languages

Greek Notes


User = χρήστης (Yes, Christina says so)

The URL code for Greek is el

The CE colour code for Greek is pale blue

Community Empowerment in Greek

My Greek User Page

Practice for Bulgarian Background



We may be developing a Bulgarian CE on WikiEd and this practice area is being used to experiment with colours, formats and styles. --Phil Bartle 06:38, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

User =

Svetlio says потребител

The service shut down in August, 2015,
so this copy of the video is no longer available.

Matthew Wai downloaded this video from YouTube and then put it here..


Today is: 2025 February 13, Thursday
The time is 00:58, Zulu (ie. at Greenwich)

Frequent Contacts

Our little band, and friends of CE


Feedback2.png Please put your notes and queries in the Discussions Page. Click on the discussion tab at the top of this page. --Phil Bartle 00:07, 10 May 2009 (UTC)