Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon dioxide is formed from a combination of two elements: Carbon and Oxygen
- One of the most common chemical reactions that produce carbon dioxide is combustion – burning
- When fuels (made up of hydrocarbons - i.e. compounds of hydrogen and carbon) burn they produce carbon dioxide and water - CO2 and H2O
- Fermentation also produces carbon dioxide
What is fermentation? Explain clearly.
Also carbon dioxide is produced in living things - plants and animals
How do you think carbon dioxide is produced in living things?
Physical properties of CO2
- CO2 is heavier than air
- CO2 is colourless
- CO2 is odourless
- What gases make up air?
- What is the molecular mass of CO2?
- How does it compare to molecular masses of gases that make up air?
Chemical properties of CO2
Dissolves slightly in water to form carbonic acid
- What kind of a chemical reaction takes place in the animal body that produces Carbon Dioxide?
- Write chemical equation for the reaction
- Plants can make use of carbon dioxide. How do they make use of it?
- What is the process called?
- How is this process (where plants use carbon dioxide) different from breathing in plants?
- Write the chemical equation for this process
- What is carbon cycle? With the help of diagrams give a clear description of what carbon cycle is.
Search for more information about carbon dioxide on the internet. Refer to the following websites and others:
[Carbon Cycle]
[Understanding Carbon Cycle]