User:Opbtsn1/My sandbox

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OP Draft Outline

A proposed structure for the IP Policy Resource developed for OP Staff

  • Introduction - why IP and copyright awareness matters is relevant to you!
  • Scene Setting - Otago Polytechnic and OER Policy
    • OP's commitment to OER
    • Did you know?
    • A global centre for excellence for OER

Sandbox Test

This is a test heading

This is a test italic

<a _fcknotitle="true" href="This is a test underline">This is a test underline</a>

Now to edit properly...

Let's see how this one works!

And let's not <a _fcknotitle="true" href="Forget the underline">Forget the underline</a>

And here is a smaller heading

Hopefully it worked, if not please tell me. Now it's time for a list

  • Editing work
    • Note that some lists are indented like this one
    • And this one
  • Others are not however.

Let's talk about numbered lists:

  1. First, be mindful of when to use these

Let's create a new page <a href="/User:Opbtsn1/My sandbox/TestNewPage">Test New Page</a>


    1. For example now
    2. And now
    3. And now

And so on...