[▲] | |
[hide]- 1 Workshop Information
- 2 Objectives
- 3 Workshop Agenda and Schedule
- 4 Facilitators & Presenters
- 5 Participants
- 6 Resources
- 7 Workshop Activities and Exercises
- 8 Fair and Reasonable Practice Survey questionnaire
- 9 OER Policy Workshop Evaluation Form
- 10 Rapporteurs
- 11 Workshop Coordinators
- 12 Contact Persons
- 13 Photo Gallery
Workshop Information
Bangladesh Open University (BOU) is planning to implement a OER and Copyright Policy as it had an commitment as a member of COMOSA. As a continuation, BOU is organizing a 3-day workshop on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Copyright Policy. The workshop is sponsored by Commonwealth of Learning (COL). The workshop will be held at the e-Learning Centre of BOU during 15-17 February 2014. In the workshop, the senior academics and administrators of BOU will participate to have a better understanding of the principles, benefits and challenges of implementing OER and readiness requirements for successful adoption of the OERs.
Venue: e-Learning Centre, Gazipur Campus, Bangladesh
Date: 15-17 February 2014
Time: 09:00 AM to 04:15 PM daily
- To make the academics and administrators of BOU familiar with Open Educational Resources (OER).
- To help the BOU policymakers understand clearly the open content licenses especially Creative Commons (CC) licenses in promoting open and distance learning in Bangladesh.
- To develop a draft copyright policy for BOU which will internalize the OER principles through various CC licensing options.
Workshop Agenda and Schedule
For Agenda and the Schedule of Workshop on OER Policy for BOU, click hereFile:OERBDSchedule.pdf
Facilitators & Presenters
The following experts will work to facilitate the workshop on OER:
Name | Designation | |
Professor Dr. Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain | Pro-Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh Open University | |
Professor Dr. Sadia Afroze Sultana | Dean, Open School, Bangladesh Open University | |
Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal | School of Business, Bangladesh Open University | |
The following faculty members and administrators of BOU (List Not Based on Seniority) will participate in the Workshop on OER:
Faculty Members
Name | Designation | |
Professor Dr. Qazi Mohammad Galib Ahsan | Member, Board of Governors, Bangladesh Open University | |
Professor Dr. Sunil Kanti Dey | Member, Board of Governors & Dean, School of Education | |
Professor Dr. Md. Mohsin Uddin | Member, Board of Governors, Bangladesh Open University | |
Professor Dr. A. T. M. Tofazzel Hossain | Dean, School of Business, Bangladesh Open University | |
Professor Dr. Mamtazuddin Patwari | Dean, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages | |
Professor Dr. K. M. Rezanur Rahman | Dean,School of Science and Technology | |
Professor Dr. Md. Shah Alam Sarker | Dean, School of Agriculture and Rural Development | |
Professor Dr. Md. Abu Taleb | School of Agriculture and Rural Development | |
Professor Dr. Md. Mayenul Islam | School of Business | |
Professor Sufia Begum | School of Education, Bangladesh Open University | |
Professor Dr. Mohammad Habibur Rahman | School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages | |
Dr. Md. Nasirul Islam | Associate Professor, Open School | |
Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rahim | Associate Professor, Open School | |
Mr. Md. Anwarul Islam | Associate Professor, School of Education | |
Mr. Mohammad Zahir Raihan | Associate Professor, School of Business | |
Dr. Sharker Md. Numan | Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology | |
Ms. Syeda Ifteara Khanum | Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology | |
Mr. Tanvir Ahasan | Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages | |
Mr. A. K. M. Ashraful Alam | Associate Professor, School of Agriculture and Rural Development | |
Ms. Sabina Yeasmin | Associate Professor, Open School | |
Dr. Md. Chenggish Khan | Associate Professor, Open School | |
Dr. Mohd. Amirul Islam | Associate Professor, Open School | |
Mr. Md. Motaharul Islam | Associate Professor, Open School | |
Mr. Md.Anwarul Islam | Assistant Professor, Open School | |
Mr. Md. Mizanoor Rahman | Assistant Professor, Open School | |
Name | Designation | |
Professor Dr. Abul Hossain Ahmed Bhuiyan | Registrar (In-Charge), Bangladesh Open University | |
Mr. Abu Nasar Mahmood | Director/System Manager, Bangladesh Open University | |
Dr. Md. Shafiqul Alam | Joint Director (Training and Research) | |
- Creating the Conditions for OER Usage
- Creative Commons Licenses
- OER Examples and Websites
- OER Case Study
- Draft BOU Copyright Policy 2014 BOU Copyright Policy
Workshop Activities and Exercises
DAY-1: 15 February 2014
Citation of National Anthem (Amar sonar Bangla, ami tomai bhalobasi.......)
Conduction of "a fair and reasonable practice survey to gauge participant perceptions and opinions on open educational practices" Inaugural speech by the Honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain on behalf of the Honorable Vice Chancellor Professor M A Mannan
Speech [Asynchronous video]from COL by Professor Asha Kanwar, CEO and President of Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada
Presentation on "the background of OER movement" by Prof. Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain
Presentation and discussions on "Definition and potentials of OER, distinctions among OER, distance education and resource-based learning" by Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal
Presentation and discussions on "Essentiality of OER development and use for promoting ODL practices in Bangladesh" by Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal
Presentation on "Creating conditions for OER uses and development" by Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
Explaining and facilitating the small group discussions 'creative common licenses' by Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
Facilitating group exercises [paper-based]for better understanding of the CC Licenses by Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana and Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal: *
Plenary report back session:
Summarisation of the group discussions and outcomes by the rapporteurs: Ms. Ananya Laboni, Dr. Iqbal Hossain and Mr. Iftekhar Khalid
Wrapping up of Day-1 discussions and outcomes and announcement of the Day-2's agenda by Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal
DAY-2: 16 February 2014
Citation of National Anthem (Amar sonar Bangla, ami tomai bhalobasi.......)
Speech [Asynchronous video]from COL by Frances Ferreira, Education Specialist for Open Schooling,Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada. Projections of OER examples and Websites by Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
Discussions on International case studies facilitated by Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
Facilitation of an exercise on Copyright Tester Quiz by Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal and Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana [online]
Facilitation of small group discussions and exercises on the opportunities, barriers and policy issues related to Open Education [paper-based and online]by Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal and Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
Draft OER policy presented by Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal and Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
Facilitation of small group discussions and exercises [paper based and Online] by Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal and Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
Comments on Draft OER Policy for BOU
Plenary report back session: Summarisation of the group discussions and outcomes by the rapporteurs: Ms. Ananya Laboni, Dr. Iqbal Hossain and Mr. Iftekhar Khalid
Wrapping up of Day-2 discussions and outcomes and announcement of the Day-3's agenda by Professor Sadia Afroze Sultana
DAY-3: 17 February 2014
Video conference with Professor Wayne Mackintosh, Chairman, OER Foundation
- Summary of Comments on OER Policy for BOU Click Here
Fair and Reasonable Practice Survey questionnaire
OER Policy Workshop Evaluation Form
Please enter the link below and complete the evaluation form.
Name | Designation | |
Ananya Laboni | Assistant Professor, Open School | |
Dr. Md. Iqbal Husain | Assistant Professor, Open School | |
Mr. AKM Iftekhar Khalid | Deputy Director (Training), Bangladesh Open University | |
Workshop Coordinators
Name | Designation | |
Professor Dr. Sadia Afroze Sultana | Coordinator, OER Workshop | |
Mr. AKM Iftekhar Khalid | Assistant Coordinator, OER Workshop | |
Contact Persons
Name | Designation | |
Professor Dr. Sadia Afroze Sultana | Dean, Open School, Bangladesh Open University | |
Dr. Md. Shafiqul Alam | Joint Director (Training & Research), Bangladesh Open University | |
Photo Gallery
DAY - 1
Workshop Banner |
Online Recorded Speech by President of COL | Prof Mokaddem introducing OER | Prof Mostafa presenting on Concept of OER |
Small Group Exercise Sticky Notes |
Small Group Exercise Sticky Notes |
Prof Sadia presenting on Creating Conditions for OER Usage | Prof Sadia presenting on Creative Commons Licenses |
Prof Sadia taking questions on Creative Commons Licenses | Prof Mostafa briefing on Small Group Exercise | Participants engaged in Small Group Exercise | Participants engaged in Small Group Exdercise |
Participants engaged in Small Group Exrcise | Participants engaged in Small Group Exercise | Small Group Exercise Sticky Notes | |
DAY - 2
Participants singing the National Anthem |
Prof Sadia facilitating workshop participants |
Prof Sadia facilitating a Small Group Exercise | |
Small Group Exercise Sticky Notes
Prof Azad facilittaing workshop participants
Taking lunch break bewteen intensive workshop events
Prof Sadia introducing Ms Frances Ferreira prior to her online speech |
Participants engaged in Small Group Exercise |
Participants engaged in Small Group Exercise |
Prof Sadia facilitating a Small Group Exercise |
Participants singing the National Anthem |
DAY - 3
Website conceptualized by Sadia Afroze Sultana
Website developed by AKM Iftekhar Khalid