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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

(Comment.gif: Hi Hajj, kindly edit this page and fill the info box with the information you readily have just after the equal sign. Ignore (for now) the data you dont have. Dont delete anything. --Victor P. K. Mensah 10:59, 2 July 2009 (UTC))

Contact-new.svg Infobox
Today is: 12, February 2025

My name is Hajara Mohammed-Rufai domiciled in Ghana and a product of the University of Ghana A workshop/training consultant working in the area of youth development.

I am particularly interested in training young people with political interests and abilities and a passion for a socially responsible leadership. My target audience are manily the youth involved with political parties, civil society,human right groups/educators as well as youth and student groups.

I believe in helping young people identify their leadership potentials and helping them do an analysis of their strengths, weaknesses, potential and actual fears and challenges facing them and those they are likely to be faced with in their pursuit of a career in politics and public life.

This I do by organizing modular training programmes where issues relating to leadership and good governance are discussed. They are given a training that is tailor-made to suit their setting and social-cultural circumstances. The response so far has been tremendous. It has gone on for seven years now, with each group graduating after some defined time and defined number of modules. The success story is not without challenges but those that are summountable I must add.

(Comment.gif: welcome Hajara to the great family of Wikieducator. Thousands of wikizens accross the globe are ever willing and ready to assist in your development. Enjoy.

--Victor P. K. Mensah 18:36, 26 April 2009 (UTC))