Curriculum Vitea

Surname: Mutua
First Names: David Nzainga
Nationality: Kenyan Citizen
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 12th Oct’ 1974
Marital Status Single
Charity for African Welfare and Development (CAWD)
U.K. Charity Reg. #: 1104228
Phone: +254 720 462 559
E-mail: or
Objective. To dedicate my live to explore and exploit new opportunities and ideas towards personal and human progress for a better world.
Education and Qualifications.
Barkatullar Vishwavidyalaya, (Bhopal University) Bhopal India. B.Com, Business Management and Accounting
1997 -98
Datapro InfoWorld Computer Education Division, Bhopal India. Diploma in Computer Education • Micro-Soft office • Database management • Financial Accounting
Breldan Computer College, Nairobi Kenya Certificates in Computer Education • Software Development Tools/Programming Languages (Visual FoxPro). • HTML (Web Design) and • Windows NT (Networking).
Kawethei Secondary School. Machakos Kenya Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education.
Other Trainings
Capacity Building for Organizational management, organizational governance, Strategic Planning, Managing Finances, Project Management, Office Administration, Managing people, Publicity and Fundraising.
Business Plan development: - Executive summary, Organization/Management structure, Operations planning, Market analysis and strategies, Product and Services and the Budget.
Community Resource centre set up and management and Information needs assessment
Facilitating Community participation and development, Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) Techniques, Proposal writing and Fundraising, Behaviour coping techniques, Conflict management techniques, HIV/AIDS, gender and reproductive health, Global Education and Advocacy
Organizations steps to succeed on the internet, the power of internet, accessing information and opportunities, Interacting, establishing web presence and Advocating online
Training cycle Approaches and Facilitation
Research and development methodologies.
Solo Computer assembly – Solo is ultra – low powered computer that takes 8.5w of power, including the LCD screen, as compared to 300w-500w of mains electricity required by many modern Pentium-powered systems