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Niki Lambropoulos is an experienced HCI Education e-learning expert, researcher, consultant, HCI designer & researcher, and online communities manager. Her interests fall in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction Education, E-Learning, and Idea Management for Distributed Leadership and User Innovation Networks. Her breadth of activities vary from quantitative and qualitative research, social network analysis, business intelligence, as well as software design, online community and e-learning design and engineering, community management, and even presentations, professional speaking and web design. She currently works as Human-Computer Interaction Education designer and researcher at the Euro-Cat CSCL project at London South Bank University.

Studying the leaps between developments reveals patterns of evolution helps to forward existing ideas getting ever further by collaboration and co-creativity. In this way ideas can develop as notes in a music composition allowing infinite possibilities. As imagination is based on previous knowledge, she can translate scientific information into projects and business settings as well as systems requirements. lastly, she believes in equality and encouraging people to develop their personal skills and attributes.