User:Nelson.guvava/my sandbox

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I noticed that I would like to suggest that people discover their learning I am enjoying every bit of it to the end

Open Access

This is a concept to do with unrestricted access. There are two routes to open access. These are the, green route and the gold route

Green route

This is the cheapest way to go. It normally is done in form of institutional repository

Gold route

This is where the author pays a fee of about $50 to the open access journal so that their work can be published and be accessible free of charge to the reader.

Introduction: Every year the National University of Science and Technology joins the world in celebrating the international open access week. Open Access is the provision of free and unrestricted access to electronic peer reviewed scholarly research. Last year on the 5th of November 2012, there was the historic signing of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities by the Vice Chancellor Professor Lindela Rowland Ndlovu.

  1. Apple
  2. orange
  3. Banana
    1. Yellow banana
    2. green banana
  • Pear
  • Peaches
  • Guava
    • Red guava
    • white guava

Education in Zimbabwe