My Reflections
[hide]December 2011
I published my dissertation via createspace self-publishing Amazon Partner. You may find the book in an electronic format via Google books and Kindle as well as in printed form on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
May 2011
Proquest published dissertation abstract for public viewing at Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) DAI-A 71/11, May 2011.
June 28, 2010
Dissertation saved at the University Library and ProQuest.
June 27, 2010
Mentor called to say that I was officially Dr. Nellie Deutsch.
June 26, 2010
Dean's office approved the dissertation
May 21, 2010
- Conducted the Oral Defense on May 21 and had it approved on the same day.
- Submitted dissertation to the dean's office
August 17, 2009
Got my final approval from IRB.
August 3, 2009
ARB approval
July 11, 2009
I just added the following comment in response to a statement made on Jeffrey's blog regarding theoretical framework and the need for researched-based learning theories.
- Hi Jeffrey,
- I feel the same way about some theories that are not really research-based. I believe doctoral students should be striving to choose theoretical framework that was researched-based no matter how popular the so called theory may be. I feel very uncomfortable when it comes to Wenger's Communities of Practice (CoP) theory because as far as I know he never conducted any research on his ideas. Whose theory do you plan on using for your literature review? Have you decided on the research design? Bye the way, you may wish to add Michael Quinn Patton's Qualitative Research & Evaluative Methods (2002).
- Warm wishes,
- Nellie Deutsch
Effective Learning
After 34 years of teaching, I am still driven by the need to reach all of my students so that learning becomes relevant and effective. One strategy that I follow is to put myself as the learner and try to visualize what would work for me.