User:Nadia El Borai/Sandbox 2 for M4T-Team N

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Learning Team Charter for Moodle for Teachers Team N Scientific writing

Scientific writing is the topic for Team N

Abstract of Learning Team Charter for Team N

An international group of skilled members, with experience in teaching and editing with the common goal of learning how to use Moodle as a tool to be applied in scientific writing.

Team Members Personal Information

Personal Information is available in another document to protect privacy.

5 team members have filled out the wiki downloaded on the moodle The following is the Learning Team Charter from their input.

Team Members Skill Inventory

Team members have experience in the following; wiki editing (2) scientific writing, editorial ,searching , Technology usage in Education , Educational Systems . e-learning consultation, mindmaps

Learning Goals

The main goal is to learn how to use Moodle additional goals as follows:

1. How to enhance Moodle with writing tools, how to manage writing processes like peer reviews
2. Explore and develop possibilities for collaborative writing in Moodle.
3. Learn how to use Moodle and apply it to teach students learn from each other mistakes and share experiences
4. To see if Moodle can facilitate the contribution of students towards a group assignment in "scientific writing" and if can help improve evaluation compared to traditional scientific writing course.
5. To produce an interesting e-course of "scientific writing". To make it to learn this subject online more efficient than offline.
6. To explore new information and communication technologies ICT and ways of utilizing them in teaching.
One participant would like to test own hypothesis.

Ground Rules

1. Weekly goals
2. synchronous meetings (at least once a week through Wiziq or Skype)
3. asynchronous discussions and sharing through forums and file sharing
4. communications through e-mails, forums

Conflict Management

To avoid conflict it may be useful to decide on one main goal. Keep in mind that the priority of this exercise is to learn how to use moodle

Potential barriers

1. Time synchrony
2. Technical problem/tool integration/lack of the full knowledge of the capability of moodle/technology
3. Insufficient coordination and/or collaboration
4. Shortage of best practice for this subject to be taught by this new method.
5. Content production hindered by technical problem


Policy for feedback needed.