User:Motebang/Tour Guiding

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Designing a Tour Package

What is a Tour Package

Things to Consider

  • what is the product range available - draw a checklist
  • what are the distances involved
  • are similar tours available, and if so, what edge will the tour present over the others
  • climate - what is the appropriate season for activities
  • facilities - what facilities are available, e.g. accommodation (type and locality), transportation, equipment for specific activities (skiing, mountain climbing, snooker, swimming, etc.) - use only legitimate facilities, i.e. is the lodge/motel or the jeep for safaris licensed, how many passengers is the boat licensed to carry, and are all legal documents up to date?
  • target market - is it the youth, middle aged or retired people, all of the above; specific clienteleike the clergy, teachers, medical personnel, hoteliers, women's/men's league, etc.
  • length of the tour, in days
  • cost of the tour - transportation, accommodation, meals, entry fees to attraction sites + charges for activities
  • price of the tour, i.e. cost + mark-up, must be competitive.

Marketing the Package


Travel Agent