An Essay on Education
As educators, we believe that education is the great equalizer that can bring great wealth. We am not speaking of education in terms of material wealth, but instead of how education can bring about a wealth of the spirit and of the mind.
This wealth cannot be reaped, unless it is shared, used, and transformed.
The very act of learning brings about physiological changes in the brain, down to the molecular level. What happens to us as we learn is a profound physiological change, the results of hundred thousands of years of evolution of modern humans. Human society has evolved as well and our lives are the direct result of the millions experiences and interactions of the millions of humans that came before us...
We never could have survived so long as a species if we were not able to learn. Our knowledge is built on all the other learning that came before us. To deny someone knowledge is to deny someone their heritage as a human being and a thinking person; it is to deny someone their share of our ever increasing wealth.
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