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The remote repository of SparxSystems_EA can be implemented in two ways: via SVN or via DBMS.


The DMBS approach is more easy to use than the SVN and there are no differences between the “normal use”, based on a local file system, and the use with a remote repository.

In some cases, the remote repository can be slower than the local file system, so SparxSystems suggests to use an application called WanOptimazier to increase the connection performance with the remote repository.

WanOptimazier is a windows service that must be installed into the same network of the DBMS; the EnterpriseArchitect client, during the connection configuration, must be set up using the connection with the repository via WanOptimizer and, if everything works fine, the client will use the WAN connection via the WanOptimizer client.

The WanOptimizer can be downloaded through the following link:

This link reports a description of the WanOptimizer from the sparxsystems site:


The response time of a project with an SVN approach is similar to the one you get with a local file system, but the changes made to the repository will be not propagate in real time but only after a check-in operation.

If we use the SVN approach, we will have to define a best practice to use the “version control” feature: the project must be divided into packages and we must implement the “version control” on the single packages and not on the entire project.

Differences between DBMS and SVN repository

Response Time Depends on connection between client and database Like local file system
Operation Like a file system Before any operation you have to do checkin-checkout
Lock If security is enabled you can lock/unlock any packages Depends on which packages are put under version control.

If the root element is under version control the lock is on the whole project, and when some user makes a change to the project, she automatically locks the full project.

We have to organize the project into packages to allow the team to work with it

Requirements Remote:

DBMSInstall WanOptimaizer


ODBC driver to connect to remote database

Remote:SVN server


SVN client (svn.exe)

Team Working Suggested by SparxSystems Not suggested for team working