User:Mani g1/My Interests
I am quite an introvert and therefore interests are the ones which keep me confined in my space. I have a bit of sketching and painting skill though original drawing is a difficult but copying a picture is easier. I owe a silent interference in poetic world also though most of my creations are heard by very near and dear ones only. I have a passion for creative works be it in the field of academics, personal front, or general hobbies. I tried to be multilingual but could do so only in few languages that too confined to script only (I think I don't have the adaptability to speak different languages). Apart from the national language Hindi and commonly used English I can read and write Urdu and Bengali (Indian languages). I learned Russian also but now it needs to be brushed up a lot. I have learned Braille also but that is under practice right now. I enjoy soothing music be it a light Indian Classical or old hindi film songs. I have even given a try to common girlish hobbies of Stitching and Knitting also recently when I became the mother of a Little angel and I think I am not bad in it. I can say I am a good cook though I don't like to spend too much time in Kitchen.