My profile
I am Aisha Fofana Ibrahim, a feminst activist scholar and researcher and live in Freetown, Sierra Leone. I am a lecturer at the University of Sierra Leone and Director of the Gender Research and Documentation Center at Fourah College. We offer a graduate degree in Gender Studies. I am currently conducting a study titled: "Interrogating Young Women's Political Participation in Postwar Sierra Leone." This study is in collaboration with colleagues at the Political Science department and the 50/50 Group to understand what enables and/or deters young women's engagementin political processes. It is a two year research project funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) in Ottawa, Canada.
My interests
- Gender research and advocacy
- Research
- advocacy
- teaching
- Reading and teaching African and global literatures
My Website, blog and contact particulars
Aisha Fofana Ibrahim, (Ph.D) Gender Research and Documentation Center, 3rd Floor Kennedy Building, Mount Aureol, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone Freetown.