My Contribution to OERs from L4C3
I am a teacher at Flexible Open and Distance Education in Papua New Guinea. The College provides the education to the students in all provinces in Distance Mode. Since these students are not gaining their education from the teachers in schools in face-to-face mode we have to be very careful when we are dealing with these students.
Generally the distance mode students are in different age groups, not like in schools. They may be drop-outs from the normal education system due to many reasons.The may not have enough money to continue their studies in schools or not elegible to go for further studies in the schools.
Writers should be very careful when preparing Course Materials to these students because they are very much different than the face-to-face students in schools.It should be written in simple way to clearly understand to the students as the teachers are not in front of them to discuss what they want or to solve problems at the same time.