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(Comment.gif: Dear Lurdes, It was really nice meeting you recently. You have done great work. Let me know if we can help you, to continue to grow a large Mozambique WikiEducator community. Warm regards, Patricia)

(Comment.gif: Ola Lurdes, Parabens pela certificacao em WikiEducator! Wow! Excelente trabalho! Keep it up! Ainda nao te vi em Facebook! :-) Beijinho, Rosario My user page)

Contact-new.svg Lurdes Patrocinia Matavela Nakala
Esta é a minha linda foto
Employer:National Institute of Distance Education
Center This user was certified a WikiBuddy by Mackiwg .
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for WikiEducator.

Today is: 22, December 2024

My sandbox

About me

I love flowers, specially the blue ones.

This is Lurdes Patrocinia Matavela Nakala. I'm a mother of two lovely boys and one princess! I work as a civil servant at the National Institute of Distance Education[1], in Mozambique. This is a public institution which is to coordinate and regulate distance education in the country. Since years I've been working with COL through a team of consultancy led by [Rosário Passos]. I'm a beginner of Wikieducator today. [htpp://].

Please see my CV details on my page.

Please contact me on

Lurdes Patrocinia Matavela Nakala National Institute of Distance Education 1060, Salvador Allende Av. Land phone: +258 21 486908 Mobile: +258 82 723 1050 Email: Maputo Mozambique

Esta palavra esá em negrito. Esta palavra está em itálico.

Workshop sobre WikiEducator e Moodle


O Workshop sobre WikiEducator tem a assistência técnica da The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) através da consultoria da Rosário Passos, da Cascadia Solutions. Os participantes ao workshop são provedores de EAD em Moçambique, a saber:

  • INED
  • IEDA
  • UP
    • CEAD
  • UEM
    • CEND e outros provedores aqui não mencionados por razões de tempo.

Exemplo de lista numerada em Wiki

  1. Monitor International School
  2. ISDB
  3. MISAU
    1. Oliveira
    2. Judite
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