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Contact-new.svg Jamie Sutton
Employer:Microsoft New Zealand
Occupation:Microsoft Product Advisor
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand

About Me

My name is Jamie and I'm a 3rd year BCS student.

My interests include Web Design, spending time with family and cruising.

Just adding a heading for ya -JustinTurner 21:16, 9 March 2016 (UTC)

My interesting links

My blog:

Activity 4.1

Educational technology. (2016, March 23). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:23, March 23, 2016, from

VmvIcon Assessed Activity.png
Activity 4.2 - Adding a pedagogical template

This is an example of a pedagogical template.

Syntax Highlighter

<script type="text/javascript">
  function fnHello() {
    <input type="button" onclick="fnHello()" value="Call function" />

RSS Feed

Final Reflection
31/05/2016 Personal learning and reflection I have learned a lot over the two weeks it has taken my to develop my teaching tool. I was already quite clued up about Captivate and WordPress, however a long the way I did discover some aspects I wasn&...
— lordtopcat22 2016-05-31 01:19:09
Reflective Post Week 2
23/05/2016 OH NO! I have had to go off plan for my teaching tool. I originally wanted people to have to complete a quiz at the end of each section or “learning object” and then have them complete the final assessment when all quizzes had been...
— lordtopcat22 2016-05-23 10:49:23
Reflective Post Week 1
16/05/2016 I have begun developing my teaching tool using Adobe Captivate. Development is going well, as I have used Captivate before I am familiar with how it operates so it will make things a bit easier for me. One issue I have to consider is th...
— lordtopcat22 2016-05-16 09:06:23
Activity 8.2
What Have you Learnt? Learning is not simply having a teacher stand in front of the class rambling something from a text book. There are multiple methods of learning, and teaching. There are methods that some people learn easily with, while others...
— lordtopcat22 2016-04-13 22:25:56