User:Lillian Naka

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《 Lillian Naka 》
Just try it; we (your community) will support you

Contact-new.svg Lillian Naka
PB-Lillian Naka01.jpg
Employer:Christian Foundation for Children and Aging
Occupation:Mothers groups Coordinator
Other roles:Translator for the Community Empowerment Collective
Languages:Kiswahili, English
Country:Kenya Flag of Kenya.svg

Quick Links to my website, blog and contact particulars

Hope for a Family
The Community Empowerment Collective Society
Vacation Sooner

My profile

Lillian lives in Nairobi and works for Christian Foundation for Children and Aging as a Mothers groups Coordinator in Nairobi Project. The mothers groups are made up of mothers/guardians of CFCA sponsored children and run a savings and loaning program for empowerment and economic self sufficiency. Group members save an equal amount monthly in their group account and members can borrow soft loans from the accumulated amount.

Lillian is also a volunteer Swahili translator of online community development materials by Community Empowerment Collective (CEC).

My education

My interests

Lillian is interested in:

  • Traveling
  • Volunteering
  • Community Development
  • Reading


Today is: Saturday, 27 July 2024
The time is 01:58, Zulu (i.e. at Greenwich)

Frequent Contacts

Our little band and friends of Community Empowerment

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