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Contact-new.svg Danny
Employer:Evelyn Hone College
Other roles:Networking Administration
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by victor.mensah .
Today is: 15, February 2025

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My Sandbox

My Profile

My Name is Danny Lezaa lecturer at Evelyn Hone college. I have a degree in computer science from the copperbelt university. Born again and i love jesus.

My Work

As stated above, my work is lecturing. this involves lesson preparation, delivering lecturers, preparing assignments and test. Apart from this, i also help with computer repairs and network administration.

Why I Joined This workshop

I basically joined this workshop due to a common objective that i share with wikieducators, i.e. to share knowledge. These are the African Countries

  • Zambia
  • Malawi
  • Namibia
  • Bostwana

I love Zambia of these countries

My favorite fruits

I love 'the following fruits

  1. Mango
  2. Apple
  3. Guava
  4. Orange
  5. Lemonies

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Basic user computer troubleshooting

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How to open your memory stick once its attack my a virus

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Case Study
Viruses and how they attack your memory stick

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Sophisticated computer user

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what is a virus? what is a memory stick

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how has been your experience with viruses

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