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Pre 2004

We relied of “educational technoogists”, “instructional desigers”, “elearning experts”, “server administrators”, “web designers”, “learning management systems”,

New Internet is all about Point Of View

Everyone and anyone recording and publishing what ever it is they see as important or worthwhile. We can expect everything and anything to be available to us in this new Internet.

Teen blogging will some day be your great great grandmother's diaries

Would you like to read your great great grandmother's diaries? For example: Consider what the journalling generations from the English 19th Century has given us in terms of understanding our colonial past?

Its all there in all shapes and sizes

We used to get by teaching a class with A4 photocopies of a text long out of print, and maybe a VHS tape from some training video made in 1983. At best we relied on our own teaching ability, disconnected from an outside reality. Now we have 10-100s of videos in many contexts, along with many teacher's notes, with new ones being added every hour, and the opportunity to be connected with that wider context.

These infinite points of view is noise only to those who don't know how to listen

Search on demand is not good enough. Subscribe watch, monitor, engage, upload if you want to see what you're looking for on the Internet.

All you need to learn anything is Youtube, Wikipedia and Google

The biggest barrier to teaching and learning today is connectivity. Too many people do not have Internet access, too many teachers don't understand how the new Internet works, too many people are media illiterate.

The Educational Point Of View is one of quality

Educationalists (typically) are asking questions about quality, therefore we might expect the educationalist's Point of View to be one of quality. If you see an error on Wikipedia – correct it. If you can't find a video on such and such – make one and upload it. Sample and remix all these primary resources to make your secondary resource of quality.

Is the educational point of view increasingly absent from the Internet?

Do you let censorship interrupt your enquiry into the new Internet? Do you ask your students to help you edit Wikipedia? Do you use Youtube for video based assessment? Are your slides on Slideshare, have you audio recorded your lecture and added it to your Slideshare? How much of what you know is available to people? How much of YOU is available to people?

POV machines

What tools might you use to get your point of view online? Cameras, audio recorders, phones, keyboards, scanners, DIY books,, printers, EduPOVs, and any number of self publishing services commonly known as Web2 or social media.

But then again, this is pretty geeky

All the points above bounce around in an echo chamber known as the edublogosphere. Does this really help people teach and learn? Will we ever have more than 1/3 of Australians connected to the Internet? And will we ever have more than 10% of those 1/3 using the Internet to express their points of view? And will we ever have more than 1% of teachers figuring out how to make social media work for them and the people who look to them for education, assessment and certification?